I stood to excuse myself ,"If you have any problem , come to me" he did not even look at me.

I nodded before leaving his office , entering mine only seconds later because of the large and quick steps I was taking, thanks to my tall stature.

I opened the file again as I sat down on my chair behind my desk. This is what I needed , a distraction from my problems, one of which I can't rid of.

"Am not a fucking problem..am you" it talked again.

"I never said you were, can you please be quiet before I go crazy." I mumbled out angrily , looking crazy talking to myself, only getting a huff as an answer.

Massaging the side of my head with two fingers, focusing back on the murder file I had in my hands.

I think this is by far the worst death I could investigate.Only one word to describe this.
And mafia shit written all over it in red and black.

Picture of the dead. Alfonso Magnus.

.Broken ribs
.fifteen stab wounds. two stabs on each thigh, four on the stomach, one on each palm,on the shoulder, another very close to his genitals.
.burnt wounds.
.Broken shoulder.
.Broken nose.
. Bruised jaw.
.Slit thought.(cause of death)
.Gunned knee cap.
. Burnt body.

Photos of the victim in different angles were shown.

His body was covered in 1st degree burns. He could easily be identified.
Looks like he's body was saved before he could get to ashes.

"Looks like he was tortured before being killed."

Turning the file.there were no leads no nothing.

This will be a tough one to crack.
That's why they gave mih this damn case.

I picked up my work phone, sighing to myself, I called my friend..more like work friend.

"Look who finally acknowledge my existence." He answered in a snarky voice.

"Hello to you to Liam" I replied sweetly.

"I guess you have a new case and you need my help." He said knowingly.

"Yes please." I said sweety again.

"Okay, how can I help dear old Cory with?" He sighed. I could hear sounds of rapid typing  and distinct chatter.

"I need to know everything about Alfonso Magnus." I said in my no nonsense voice.

The typing stopped, I could hear his breath hitching.
"The who now." He coughed out, sounding worse than a cat giving birth.
"I think I heard you wrong, you mean The Alfonso Magnus of the Magnus empire...the tycoon..owner of over a two hundred restaurants, of Magnus limited, and that is to name nothing but a few...you mean to tell me you got his murder case..." He breathed

Liam Payne.. one of the best hackers in the world..
Working in the FBI. We attended the same university, training to be cops..more specifically, he wanted to be on the technical side but I wanted to be one the opposite side..

And that's how we bonded. Scratch my back I scratch yours..
I taught him physical combat and he taught me , more about technology ..
Seeing that we both need each other to graduate.

He helped the navy seals , to identify terrorist, that even the experts couldn't.
So as soon as he graduated, the FBI recruited him instantly..
We remained friend , finding time for each other.

I think I now know more than I did a few seconds ago.

"Yes he is the one..I need to know more into his life...not just the basic that everyone knows...I want to know everything , even his favourite boxer to the last time he visited a dentist..can you do that?" And I was very serious.

"I gotta be honest."he gruffed out...ooh he meant business."It won't be easy, this guy is very secretive but very open... it'll take a few days but I'll get you what I want...you know I love a challenge.." he gushed out before hanging up.

I looked at the phone in wonder...did he just hung up..???
Did he even accept it??
Before I could even put the phone back to it's receiver, it rung.

Picking it up again.

"Sorry... I take the job." And he hung up again.

I took a deep breath, in and out, banging the phone back to it's rightful place before I break it...

Lately I have been getting angry at the slightest things.
My patients level has reduced drastically. Not only due to a few years of being in a new territory, new job and not getting what I want but am losing the little thread of hope I have left.

And I can't afford that, before I do I must find the one who took away a part of mih. That is the only thing that keeps mih going.


Magnus [Allãsson Book 1.]Where stories live. Discover now