"Hey Erin, are there any new client files?"

"Yes ma'am. There is, do you want them?" He asked standing at the door. "Yes please," He nodded walk back over to his desk to gather the folders. I turned the light off and closed the door, following him standing in front of his desk.

"Here you go." He said handing them to me. "Thank you E, I'll see y'all tomorrow," I  said taking them and walking out of the door.
After grocery shopping, I headed home so I can start dinner and possibly get some work done. Once Anthony had helped unload the car I put everything away and then start dinner.

Once I had put the fish in the oven I walked over to the sink to wash my hands. Drying them off I started making the salad, taking the lettuce and tomato from the refrigerator washing the lettuce and tomatoes then taking them to the cutting board.

"Alexa shuffle RnB playlist," I said as started cutting the tomatoes,  Anthony asked, "What you gotta this baby-making music on for?"  Leaning against the door frame.

"Since when have Mariah Carey made baby-making music?"

He didn't answer as he walked over to me wrapping his around my waist and resting his head between my neck a shoulder. "Since today, I could show you how," He mumbles placing a kiss on my neck. Shaking my head I laughed, "You're such a horn dog, go get the grilled chicken out of the fridge and put it on."

Kissing my neck again he walked over to the refrigerator grabbed the bag from the rack, then came back. After finishing cutting up the tomatoes I put them in the bowl with the lettuce then went it and put it back in the fridge until the grilled chicken was cooked.

Leaning against the counter I asked, "How long are you gonna be out in Vegas?"

"I'm not sure yet, it depends. I gotta leave a few days early though, you wanna come?" He moved the chicken around so it wouldn't stick to the pan.

Turning the heat from under the skillet and replied, "I'd love to, but I can't miss work again." I hated to decline spending time with Mackie, but I can't take any more days or weeks from work.


Dinner was amazing, we ate as I caught up on Bridgerton, although Anthony would hate to admit he was invested in it. After we got completely through season one we took a break from it to clean up the mess we made earlier.

While he finished the rest of the dishes I swept the floors so they could be mopped later. Once I finished I sat on the island scrolling on my phone as Anthony wiped down everything.

I would look up from my phone seeing him swaying his hips, secretly recording him dancing I sent it to the group chat saying: Housewife duties. Covering my mouth with my hand to suppress my laughing as he unlocked his phone and check the message.

He turned looking at me, "That's how it is?" He asked coming over and standing between my legs. "Yeah, it's nothing wrong with being a housewife." I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck. He shook his head kissing my lips lightly.

He pulled back smirking as Marvin Gaye came on, I knew letting him pick the music would be a bad idea. "I just cleaned the kitchen I wouldn't mind doing it again," He said. "You can't get enough can you?" I asked. Shaking his head he replied, "Neither can you."

Ain't that the truth, we both whipped.

Knocking came from the front door, "Not tonight Cap," I said pushing him away from and jumping from the counter. He groaned following me into the foyer. A female silhouette stood on the other side. If it's Janet it ain't nothing gonna stop me from dragging her ass. Whoever it was knocked again.

I yelled, "Just a moment!' and then opened the door. To my surprise, it was a beautiful younger woman probably around the same age as Djay. She was wearing a Tupac graphic tee with denim shorts, and her hair was in natural curls that flowed down her back.

"Hi," I greeted with a smile.

"Hi, are you Y/N Y/L/N?" She asked with a pearly white smile. I narrowed my eyebrows down in confusion. I've never met this girl a day before in my life and she's here at my house and knows my full name. "Umm, yeah. Do we know each other?" I asked stepping behind the door a little because I don't know if this was another one of Myles' crazy schemes or not.

"You don't know me, but I know you." I looked up and down, trying to get a good look at her because her eyes looked so familiar.

"I know this gonna sound crazy," She quickly shoved her hands in her purse, "But you have to see this."

"I'm sorry?" I asked stepping from behind the door and waiting for her to show me whatever it was she was searching for. Once she finally found it she handed a picture to me.

And there my dad was holding a beautiful baby girl in his arms. I looked from the picture and then back to her. I finally looked over at dad, he has a dopey ass smile on his face. I looked up at her, trying to absorb whatever she was telling me. Before I could ask anything, she said, "He's been trying to reach out. I think you should meet him. Talk it over for his sake."

I stepped back in the house, trying to gain my composure. All I could do was laugh. I just got done with one thing, and now here's the next.

"Are you okay, ma'am?"

"Who the hell do you think you are telling me what to do?" I stared at her. Angry boiled in me quickly. She threw her hands up, frowning. I went to shut the door, but she put her foot in it and kicked it wider. "I'm trying to be nice," She flipped the picture over and shoved it back in my hands.

Kennie and Daddy. My loves xx

I blinked, staring at the words. Hastily, I looked up at her, "That's my dad." I mumbled.

"Mine too. I'm Mackenzie Y/N, your sister."

{The End}

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