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Warning: Mentions of abuse and trauma. Please read at your own risk.- T💕


I was finally back in New Orleans after a long week in New York. My body was killing me and the jet lag didn't help at all. Even though I'm tired I wanted to spend some with my boys. After picking them up I drove to a nearby park so we could hang out for a while. "Alright y'all come on, so we can get y'all something to eat." I said picking up the football from the ground.  "Ohh, can we get Zimmer's?"  "Yeah, come on." I said as the five of us walked out to my car. Once they were in and bulked in, I got in and did the same. 

The drive from the park to Zimmer's wasn't long. Once we made I ordered the five us poboys and drinks.  I drove home, where we watched  a movie while we ate then I bath them, and got them ready for bed.  "Night Dad." They said as I walked over to the door. "Good night boys, see you in the morning." I said about to turn the light off. 

"Hey dad, before we go back to Mom's tomorrow can we go to the zoo, please?" My youngest asked with pleading eyes. How could I say no to him? "Yeah, now gets some sleep." I said turning off the  light and walking out the room closing the door behind me.

I walked into my room leaving the door, I went over to the closet  to get something to put on once I go out of the shower.  After finding something to wear, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, adding my towel to the rack on the outside. I took off my clothes then got in.

After washing my body, washed my hair and beard, which I need to go get cut soon. Once I was done I got out wrapping the towel around me as I went to the sink to brush my hair. After I brushed my teeth then went back into my room turning on the tv keeping the volume low, throwing the remote on the bed I went over to the door and cracked it.

I went back over to the bed, laying down looking at reruns of Martin when my phone went off. I got from the side table where it is charging and saw that it was a text from Sebastian in our group chat.  I unlocked the phone and read his message.

Have you talked to Y/N yet?

No, he's too afraid to😒

I will when I get the chance

If you don't I will 😏

Man don't you have a girlfriend😒

When has that stopped anything and you seem pretty jealous for a guy that's been ignoring her😂

I'm not jealous I'm just saying🙄

Sebastian: We don't talk about her🤫 just talk to Y/N before I do

When I do y'all will  be the first to know😂

We better or  I'm going to help sexy Seabass get some😂😂

Wait you will🤨

I groaned shaking my head these two will never giving me a break. I pressed the sleep/wake button and put my phone back on the side table, continuing to watch tv. I'll text Y/N tomorrow after I finish with the boys. I thought as my eyes strutted to get heavy.



I groaned as my phone when off again. To say that I wasn't pissed that I hadn't stopped receiving messages out Myles and I's past relationship would be an understatement. Every number that texted me I will run, but they call came back as text-free numbers.

What the hell was I gonna do. I couldn't tell my immediate family because none of them knows about what he did to me. And I couldn't go to the police because I have no evidence or idea of who this is. The phone went off again. I grabbed it from my desk looking at the message.  My face literally dropped.


Remember when you got choked until you almost died and was told you if you told anyone one he'd kill you.

What the fuck. I'm to the point where I'm thinking it's him. He's the only one that knows about this.  My time with him was nothing but hell and torture.  I could feel myself about to have a panic attack. I calmed myself down taking slow breaths before it could happen.  Ain't no sleep for me, I just know if I try to sleep I won't get any.

Sighing as I up from the bed, I walked over to my vanity turning the lights on low, then got my MacBook  from its case and walking back over to the bed plopping down. I went to the FaceTime app and called Alayah. I know if nobody was up she was up watching YouTube. I clicked on her name and waited for her to answer as the phone rings.

Once she had finally picked up she had on her glasses reading a book with a glass of red wine. "Y/N what are you doing up this late?" She asked not looking up from the book. "I can't sleep. I would ask you the same, but I can see you're clearly busy." I said getting back under the covers.

"No, I was about to call you." said Alayah closing the book the putting it down. "Really, for what?" I asked. "Well, we fly home tomorrow and I wanted to know if you could pick us up from the airport?" question Alayah. "Why would you even ask you know I will." I said nodding.

"Great, Miriam is coming to so we're going to NOLA for a day or two." Layah said as she put the glass back to her lips. "Good, I have a housing down there so we can leave tomorrow after y'all get rested up." I mentioned. "Okay, I'll let you go so you can get some sleep because our flight lands at 10." She said. "Wait can you do me a favor?" I asked. "Yeah sure. What's up?" She asked.

I contemplated on whether I should ask her to stay on the phone with me while I sleep, but that probably would be weird. I shook my head before answering, "Nothing it's fine." I said giving her a quick smile. "You sure?" She asked and I nod. "Yes, I'll see y'all in the morning. Love you." "Love you too, good night?" She said before hanging up.

I closed the laptop up rolling into my back staring up at the ceiling. I'll just have to figure this out as I did all those years ago. I wish I could tell someone, but I just don't know the right words to say. I'm afraid, of what? I don't know. Maybe it's because of the way I think everybody may react.

Okay if it's gets bad enough I promise to tell someone and not fight on my own, but everything is going to be okay. I have to promise myself that it is. Because if I don't I just know that everything that I let go of in the past is slowly going to start to haunt me. If I can't promise myself that then I promise to Kai, in the protection of him.

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