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While Y/N was in the shower this morning I ordered breakfast from the hotel's restaurant, one of the best hotels in Montego Bay. After everything was set up I waited for her to finish getting ready.

I texted Seabass checking in on him because I haven't heard from him since before court. Once the message was sent out, I checked social media to make sure everything had died down.

People are running with the story TMZ posted, and add on what they think might have happened. I read a few before I got a little overwhelmed, this is why I'm hardly on social media.

People make assumptions about situations they know nothing about. Swiping out of it I pressed the sleep/wake button, throwing it down beside me sighing.

"What's wrong?" asked Y/N as she walked out of the bathroom wearing an orange bikini. She looks gorgeous, the color compliments her skin.

God, I can spend forever looking at her. Just being in her presence. I shook my head not wanting to stress her when we're supposed to be relaxing, "Nothing, you look beautiful." I said. Her eyes softened.

"Thank you, I'm ready to go lay in the sun

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"Thank you, I'm ready to go lay in the sun." She beamed walking over and sitting in my lap, her perfume danced around my nose as she did so. Chanel Number 5, she had been wearing it a lot lately and it smells like heaven.

"You gotta eat first, breakfast is outside," I said, kissing her shoulder. Y/N didn't move for a second, looking me in my eyes. Then, she smiled, "I needed this."

I nodded.

She nodded standing up from the couch, taking her hands. I stood up and walked out the door, leading her out to where everything is set up, on the shoreline.

"You sure the shoreline is safe, you know you can't swim?" Y/N asked

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"You sure the shoreline is safe, you know you can't swim?" Y/N asked. Sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and pulled out her chair saying, "Haha, very funny." Then she thanked me. We had an incredible view. For the few days that we are here, I managed to rent this side of the beach. This will be all she has time for to relax and do activities...

"Why are you smiling so much?" She asked, biting into a pineapple. Shaking my head, I said, "I'm just happy to be here with you." I touched her hand, "Can't I be happy with the woman I love?"

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