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The one day I wanted to sleep in for a few hours I wasn't able to. My phone continued to vibrate as I lay staring up at the ceiling. I checked the time, 6 am. 'I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon.' I thought, throwing the covers back. 

Putting my feet in the house shoes, then standing up out of bed walking into the bathroom, turning on the shower. As the water heated I went back in the room walking over to the dresser to find something to wear for today. 

The plan is to go out with friends later on tonight, so I won't wear anything dressy until then. Once I found an outfit I grabbed a pair of boxers and socks, putting them on the bed before going back to the bathroom.  I took off my clothes putting them in the hamper putting the towel on the shower rack before stepping inside.

After I got out and brushed my teeth I went back into the room to get dressed. I put on a white t-shirt and basketball shorts, something simple until later. Finishing by putting on my shoes I put my phone and wallet in my pocket before putting on cologne then walking downstairs getting the truck keys and walking out of the door.

I started the truck as I put the seat belt on. Pulling out I started in the direction of Ma's house. She always does a birthday breakfast for us. So I'm going to spend time with them before heading out for drinks with the guys. 

After a while, I pulled into Ma's. Calvin and the girls are already here. I put the car in park and took off the seat belt.  I got out getting my keys putting the phone in my back pocket walking up to the front door.

Unlocking the door I walked inside going straight to the kitchen. "Good morning." I said walking in going over to grab a coffee cup from the dish rack.  "Happy birthday." Ma said coming over pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek. "Thanks Ma." I thanked turning to the coffee machine once she let go of me.

"You're brother and sisters are in the living room breakfast will be ready in a minute." said Ma moving around the kitchen once again. I nodded putting the spin in the sink before turning to walk out of the kitchen.

I could hear them talking as I got closer to the living room door. "No the game was brought there is no way Dallas won that game. Jerry Jones paid the referees." said Calvin. "Obviously the Cowgirls ain't the good." My sister said. Smiling I shook my head and walked in.

" 'Morning y'all." I said sitting on the couch by one of the girls. "Happy Birthday Anthony." They said in unison. "Thank you," I thanked bringing the coffee cup up to my lips. "Do you think that Dallas game was rigged the other day?" I nodded taking the cup away from my lips.

"You really gonna ask him. His brother-in-law is on the team." laugh Calvin. "Bro we not even together yet. And hell yeah the game was rigged." I laughed. "Wait, yet? What you mean yet?" "Meaning we're not together yet." I said jumping my shoulders, putting the cup down an taking my phone out.

I unlocked it replying back to the birthday messages. I sent a quick message back to Chris Alayah and Sebastian when Y/N texted me.


Happy Birthday Papa Doc. Enjoy your day 🎂


Thank you I appreciate it😂

"Aww look he's smiling." My sister picked. "What did she say?" asked Calvin. "Just wishing me happy birthday." I said locking my phone. "Everything's ready." Ma yelled from the kitchen. I stood up from the couch putting my phone in my pocket, walking into the kitchen with the cup.

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