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Anthony took my hand leading us out of the courtroom.  I let out a breath once we were fully in the hallway, it was all over finally. Myles crazy ass is out of my life. Now it can go back to being somewhat normal, with some new adjustments.

Yeah, Myles is in prison. For good. He can't hurt anyone else, but I can't stop hearing what he said. My dad has something to do with this? I haven't spoken to him in years. Don't care to, and it's nothing new with my aunt. That's a different story.

"I'm guessing now's time for a celebration," I said opening the back door to put my stuff in. "Yeah, I'll Granny to let her know she's cooking." Layah said taking Kai from Anthony's arms.

I nodded, "Ladies y'all are more than welcome to come." This wasn't just my big win it's theirs too. So if I'm celebrating so are they. Once they had agreed we all got in cars and started towards Granny's.

We made it back to the family house, most of us traveling in different cars. Anthony and I rode together while Layah took Kai. The girls rode in the same car with the kids.

Anthony had his hand on my thigh, any higher we would have to pull this car over.

"I'm proud of you," He looked off from the road quickly and smiled. God, I can get used to that. "Thank you. I had to be strong. For Kai. For the girls."

"And for yourself." His warm voice was coated me and I slid down in my seat relaxing. Then, a thought crossed my mind, "My auntie gonna be there. At the house," I pushed, asking myself was it worth it. It was. "I'm gonna fuck her up."

Mackie thought I was joking at first, laughing. When I didn't, he looked at me, "Y/N, no, you can't. Not right now." I raised my eyebrows, "Push your foot on the pedal, now."

Everyone was at the house before we were. They sat around, and when we walked through the door, they said they're 'congratulations' and 'we knew you would win'. Granny was already fixing plates. Mama was eyeing me while my uncles looked at her. She shook her head, and I nodded.

Already coming out my shoes, I put my purse in Djay's hands. "Thank y'all." I mumbled and sat on the couch. The girls were introducing themselves to my family while Kai and the kids paid.

Layah smacked her lips at me and said, "She's in the bathroom. We not gonna rush her, be we gonna get to the bottom of it."

So, we waited and waited. Then, we heard footsteps, and she came down the steps. I took off my earrings.

"I can't believe you won!" She smiled and sat across from me. "Thank you. Especially since you were praying I wouldn't." I smiled. I could feel eyes on the back of my neck. "Amari, baby," Granny said, "Take the kids to the park, please." Amari didn't hesitate to pick all of the kids up and walked them outside.

My aunt squinted, "What's happening?" This old bitch, acting like she can't keep up now.

"You know what's happening Janet don't play dumb." said Ma arms across her chest. She still stood there acting dumbfounded. "Well since you don't remember let me remind you, you put not only my sister's life but my nephew's life in danger, by helping Myles stalk and abuse her." Alayah spoke motioning towards me.

Janet sat down across from us crossing her legging in the process. "Layah, honey I why would I do such a thing? I don't even know Myles."

Why is she being dumb? She's literally acting like she doesn't have a clue in the world of what's going on and she's really pissing me off.

"Oh, cut the shit, Janet. You know every fucking thing that went on. Stop acting innocent because you're not. Miriam told us everything."

"We knew that bitch would eventually say something," She said uncrossing her legs. "Yeah, I helped Myles and if I had the chance to do it again I would."

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