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I twisted the doorknob opened the door and closed it behind me. I just came back from my morning run, leaving Y/N sleeping because I had gotten up before the sun had come up. Making my way to the kitchen I grabbed a water bottle and breakfast bar then head upstairs to the master guest room.

I opened the door quietly just in case she was still sleeping.  She sat in bed with her laptop and blue light glasses on.  " 'Morning baby." I said walking over to her leaning down to kiss her.

She put her hand on my chest stopping me. "Shower, then show me love." She said pinching her nose close. "It can't be that bad," I said and she nodded. "It is. Shower." She said pointing to the bathroom.

Kissing my teeth I said, "I love you too." Going to the closet grabbing something to lounge in until it was time for me to go to leave for the airport.

Walking back to the bathroom I turned on the shower waiting for the water to heat, I took off my clothes putting them in the hamper. "You wanna join?" I asked, she shook her head. "I got in after you left, I just got back in bed."

"I'll be out later then," I said closing the door and stepping in.

I sat back on the pillow still on the laptop, I started looking for a new place this morning because I refuse to go back to the house once all this is over with. I need something that would be enough for me and Kai, and if anybody wanted to stay something bigger.

I have been looking all morning going through options and locations but came up with nothing. Closing the laptop I put it on the side table getting my phone in the process. Unlocking it I logged into Twitter scrolling through the feed.

Like and retweeting some tweets  before going to the trending page, seeing that I was trending. Me of all people. I clicked on the link and read all the tweets that had been tweeting.

None of them told me why I was, I refreshed the page going back to the top. I smiled seeing the top tweet that has me trending.

Eloped? Me and Anthony, somebody pulled that from their ass

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Eloped? Me and Anthony, somebody pulled that from their ass. I wish it was something as sweet as that, but the reality is that it's something much deeper than that.

"Why you smiling down at your phone like that?"  Anthony asked opening the bathroom door, I looked over at him. Some part of his skin was still wet, I drifted my eyes down his body biting my lip as he walked out wearing gray sweats and a white muscle shirt.

It's taking everything in me not to devour him right here.

"Gonna answer my question or you gonna keep staring?" He smirked standing at the dresser, his arms flexing as he opened the dresser. I shook my head replying, "Pictures were released of us leaving Ma's work yesterday." I said, pressing the sleep/wake button throwing the phone down beside me.

"What are people saying?" He asked. "They think we got eloped." I laughed. Anthony turned around to look at me, with all seriousness on his face he asked, "And that's funny how?"  He's offended by me laughing. I crawled to the foot of the bed and sat on my knees.

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