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🦋 Y/N🦋

It was 3 in the morning, and I could not sleep. I spent hours just scrolling on my phone, looking
at new clients, and replying to people who want jobs, but I couldn't tire myself to sleep. I did
everything, but nothing seemed to work.

Layah was away too. She and some old friends went out drinking, and she stayed with them at a hotel. I just know she showed her ass. Just wait til Chris finds out.I sat up in bed with my bag of chips. I flipped through Disney+, deciding on watching Hannah Montana.

I'm a fucking child, I know.

I pulled up my laptop and continued answering emails. Three episodes had passed before I got
a call for Mackie. Before answering, I fixed my hair and muted the TV."I thought you would be sleep," He said in a raspy tone. I smiled, "Is this you hitting me with a,"U up?' text?" Mackie rolled his eyes and sat up in bed.

There was little light in the room, but the lamps lit up his face perfect."Why are you up?" He dodged my question. "Couldn't sleep." I mumbled back. All he did was nod. "How was your day today?"

"It was fun. Yesterday, Layah convinced me to rewatch Marvel with her. So, today, we started the movies. We got to the Winter Soldier, and I saw my baby.' Mackie bit his lip with a smirk, "Who? Me? I looked good in there. I know."

I closed my eyes, "I was talking about Sebastian, but you too." He smacked his lips, "I know damn well you weren't looking at Seb."


"Why would I be jealous over Sebastian? We all know is you ain't leaving me." I shook my head, taking a screenshot of him smiling at me. "I don't know. Seb has my heart." Anthony hung up the phone. I giggled and called him again. "If you call me to talk about your boyfriend, I don't care." I rolled my eyes saying, "Baby , I'm playing. You are the only man that I want."

"As it should be," He laughed and rolled over in bed. "Lord, I got to be up in the morning, and I'm on the phone like I'm back in high school." He groaned and rubbed his eyes. "Not me. I was a good child. I never stayed up on the phone."

"Yes, you did. What about the time we stayed up all night talking, and your momma came in and cursed you out?" Anthony laughed,  "And you hung up on me. The next day, I asked if you got a spanking, and you didn't talk to me for a week."

I frowned, "Why did you remember that?"

"And that's why I gave you the name Spankie!" He slapped his hand on his chest, killing himself laughing. "Oh God, I must have laughed for days on end. How you still get whoopings at 16, Y/N?"

"You needed your ass beat!" I giggled.

A door shut downstairs. Layah must be home. I sent her a text, asking if she was ok and how she got home. She didn't respond, so I thought she went to sleep. "Spankie is everything okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah just texting Alayah." What are you doing tomorrow?"  "Nothing much. I'm thinking of staying in and talking with my boo." I looked away, trying to hide my smile. Another door shut; this time closer to me. Layah has no reason to be up here. Her room and bathroom was downstairs.

I need to go check on this girl.

I sighed, "Hey, I'm bringing you with me to go check on Layah. She drunk off her ass." Mack chuckled, "Do what you gotta do, sweetheart." I opened my door and checked the rooms around me. She wasn't in them. 

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