His voice so soft and calm.How's he so collected?

"Your a fucking pussy that's what you are.A little bitch who is hiding behind walls instead of fighting."Louis reply's.I see Riccardo's eyes shut closed and his lips in a straight line .

"I just-we need Liam and so help me,if he is dead it's his blood on your hands."Louis's voice cracks out.

The silence is deafening.We drive up a hill and I see the yellow lights.Whose house is this for?

The black steel gates open wide as we drive down one of the longest driveways.Light illuminate the driveway and finally after decades the house is in view.A gigantic mansion,almost like a castle.

The car comes to a stop and we all pile out.Me stumbling because oh my gosh this house is big.How many rooms or bathrooms or kitchens?

"Its Riccardo's home,the whole family stays here.Except those who wish to stay with their family and rather do shifts."Nat says as she walks past me with a gentle smile that looks fake.

Everyone is on edge.Bella hasn't really spoken,she is blaming herself for it.

She isn't to blame though,it was me being me.

I follow everyone as the go through a garage filled with millions of cars and bikes.Riccardo puts his eye close to what looks like a camera and the door unlocks.I enter last,the door shutting behind me and when I turn I am in a man cave it feels.

Men move from room to room,smiles on their faces.As I walk on the marble floor I follow Nat,we turn right then left then right and when I look behind me I see the dark brown wooden front door.A red carpet in the centre.

A hug chandelier hangs at the top,two windows accompany the door on either.The glass is different though,it's looks double."We can see outside and they can't see inside.The windows I mean."Antonio says as he limps to where everyone is.

Yeah he has been limping,his face is still a bit swollen and he refused to stay and get better and he refused to have crutches.

I follow him and on my left is a big sitting room filled with men screaming as the watch a soccer game.The all shout in Italian.On my left is the biggest kitchen to ever live,a white long marble counter is in the middle of the kitchen ,a black stove on the counter,many different buttons.Ovens on the other side next to white draws.

There are four hallways as we continue walking,one on my right,right before centre,left before centre and then my left.There are two staircases,long red carpets on and when I look up ,Riccardo is already standing there.

"Tutti."He says calmly,his deep voice projecting in the large space.Some men who were walking past stop abs pass on the message.Loads of people begin piling into the foyer.

The laughter has stopped and then I realise that everyone I came with is walking up the stairs.I look around me and assume I should follow them.Skipping steps I finally make it to the top.A hallway on my right,in the middle and on my left.

Everyone's eyes are on me and I don't blame them I mean I'm a star course meal.

Joking only joking,they probably looking at me since I'm foreign to them.

"Tra un'ora faremo un blocco di 24 ore. Nessuno esce o entra. Ci sarà un incontro tra due ore, anche la sicurezza sarà potenziata."Riccardo says,voice echoing.Murmurs began loud and echoing.
[We will be going on a twenty four hour lockdown in an hour.No one leaves or enters.There will be a meeting in two hours,security will be pumped up too.]

So many people are complaining and worried."Siamo in guerra con una famiglia, uno di noi è stato assassinato a causa dei Morreti, un altro preso in ostaggio e uno di noi è stato picchiato e colpito a colpi di arma da fuoco. Le spedizioni sono state dirottate a causa loro. Hanno attaccato la casa della mia famiglia."
Riccardo says calmly.
[We are at war with a family, one of us was murdered by the Morreti, another taken hostage and one of us was beaten and shot. The shipments were hijacked because of them. They attacked my family's home.]

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