chapter 31- the private conversation

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Eun-hyeok and I walked as the other residents passed by whispering to one another; I overheard one of them say:

The resident asked, "Why did he call us?" and someone answered, "come on. Keep moving" and pushed the guy, but as they were leaving, there was one resident who reached out to us in particular.

He stared right at me in my eyes with clear abhor and held up a switchblade in front of me as if I was in some sort of danger: "you're all out of your minds. You brought a monster into this place" the man said.

The man exclaimed, "don't you dare turn!". What in the world? Why is everyone so fearful of me? While I stared back at him, I was convinced he was a psychopath. He pushed the blade forward as he said,

As he spoke again I looked at the blade and then looked back at him as he continued to speak, "got it? you crazy monster" I thought he might be the crazy monster here, what in the hell is he doing?

In a state of anger, I felt compelled to respond, "or I will slice your throat myself." I knew I could not do anything to risk losing their trust, so all I could do was reply, "Okay"

In the midst of their private discussion, I moved to another room to avoid being disturbed. I wondered what they were discussing but I couldn't care less at the same time. I closed my eyes and thought about everything. I wondered how this could possibly have happened. It all happened so quickly that I can't even comprehend it. While I was contemplating, someone called my name; I looked up and saw one of the residents

After he announced that I was wanted, I got up and walked towards the room, but when I opened the door, I was shocked to see what was there 

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