Chapter 3- The Initial Attack

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I woke up to a big bang outside. I got out of bed and sleepily gazed out of the glass-window. What I saw next made me jump to my senses. All I could perceive was fire and the sky chocking in smoke and people were darting from place to place. They mouthed "RUN!" I was confused at first and wanted to figure out what the hell was going on but soon enough I saw the ugliest sight. Something I didn't even know could exist...
I saw a creature. Now this wasn't any typical creature, it wasn't an animal, it wasn't a monster. It seemed to be the devil itself, if not worse. Appalled, I stared at it. What is this thing that I am seeing? Is this even reality? Maybe I'm dreaming... maybe I'm not? For this moment in time feels pretty real to me. A million thoughts raced through my head. Those sinister black eyes. That bald head, that pale skin, it was everybody's worst nightmare. It was towering over me. It was ugly. It was threatening. Blood coming down from its mouth carrying the lives of hundreds of people before me.
It studied my flesh, and without question I swiftly closed my curtains, crouching down begging to not be noticed. Minutes passed by and I couldn't sense any more movements, but I dared not to look out again. I crawled my way to the kitchen so I could get a drink out of the fridge. Then I saw a note: it was from my mom. "Honey I'm headed to the shops to get some milk. Stay safe. Love you XX". I dropped the note at once and was overcome by anxiety. Will she be okay? Is she going to die? The answer was quite apparent. STOP! I assured myself that I was just overthinking. Maybe I was lucid dreaming. Maybe I wasn't

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