chapter 24- underage

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Everyone looked at her, they don't know what happened to her dad, the only one who knew was me and Han Du-sik. I could hear a faint "dad" coming from her brother, it was clear that they missed him, I mean they did watch him die and fall to his death... everyone was silent nobody knew what to do or what to say. The woman comforted Yeong-su who looked pretty upset and gave him a small piece of meat,

"Thank you, ma'am" he spoke breaking the dead silence in the small room I looked at him in despair, his parents did a great job raising him, learning him to say manners once given things or when someone helps him in a situation, and yet with all their good work and great parenting, they died young, the mother I don't know if she had died or not but she wasn't around in the apartment and if she was outside she wouldn't have survived whereas for the father he died trying to save his own children, he was trying to do a good deed but in return... he only got bad luck. Han Du-sik groaned in realization and then moved his wheelchair turning himself around, but I wasn't interested in him at this point I was in my own world of thoughts,

"here" Han-du sik turned back around and offered it to Jae-heon, but he rejected it after examining the can 

"oh, no, it's okay. I don't drink very often" however before he had a chance to finish, Ji soo snatched the beer can out of his hand and started to drink it like she never had a drink for a whole year, everyone looked at her in shock but she seemed unbothered, she slammed the can down on the table half full, 

"You sure know how to drink, huh?" exclaimed han-du sik as if we hadn't already known that, but then he looked back down and opened another can looking at me smiling, 

"here have one" he pushed the can in my direction expecting me to take it and chug it down just like her, but there was only one problem

"Oh I'm a..." he stared at me, thinking about what I was about to say, and then realized

"Ah, you must be underage. I see there are kids, we shouldn't break the law In front of them"  As far as I am concerned, he was wrong. I didn't reject the drink just because of the kids and the law, Even though I'm 18, I'm not old enough to drink, however, that wasn't the reason why. I rejected it due to the fact that it is quite irresponsible knowing there are monsters all around us, but I just left it as it was since it doesn't seem worth telling him the real reason for my refusal.

"I'll buy you a drink when you are an adult, how does that sound?" he smiled stating that as if we would survive this mess of a world, I mean I really doubt our survival we have nothing to protect ourselves. He lifted up the beer and started to drink it, which triggered me to tell him my thoughts, my response to his words, whether I will be an adult or some food to these blood-thirsty monsters. 

"do you think I will be?" he put down his drink and the silence got louder, what was wrong with me? I just put everyone in an awkward situation with my idiotic thoughts, I could see he was looking at the kids in the corner of my eye, I really was stupid to ask that... wasn't I?  

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