chapter 30- Golden Hour

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Upon realizing what had happened to me, my eyes popped open but something was strange, the wall in front of me seemed unfamiliar. My heart raced and I stared at it until I heard someone speak.

"I could've sworn I told you not to die here" I didn't pay attention to her, as I was too preoccupied with my surroundings.

After asking "Where am I?" she only chuckled slightly

"the place we gather around and wait to die" Is she being serious? After remembering something, I look directly at her after thinking to myself

"And the other two?" she looked at me with a look of exasperation as if I had lost my mind

As she exclaimed, "they're okay", I sighed in relief that they hadn't been injured

"I guess you're not an asshole then" I looked down at the floor

"you should worry more about yourself" then I looked at her, what is she on about

"huh?" I asked in confusion, at that moment I heard Eun-Hyeok speak

In the phrase "eun-yu" she glanced at him and then walked away, making sure she hit him without any hesitation. He watched her walk out, but once the door shut he made eye contact with me and then began talking to me.

"are you okay?" I looked up at him

"you passed out after you fell from the 9th floor" 9th floor? I'm not sure how I was able to survive. He answered my question before I had even thought to ask.

"Golden hour saved you. Did you know that?" I gazed at my feet, wondering what the hell is going on.

"isn't it ironic? golden hour used to mean that. that it was the last hour anyone could save someone's life" I stared into space unable to process what is happening

"are you okay?" i touched the back of my head and saw blood on my hand. what the hell. is my head bleeding?

my reply was sarcastic: "yeah, I think I'm okay." he only replied, "okay" unconcerned about my situation, he dismissed it completely

"it's going to be tough from now on" I closed my hand so I didn't have to see the blood. 

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