chapter 20- Hyun-soo POV

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A female middle-aged voice spoke in the distance,
"Honestly, I knew that she..."
I didn't take into notice of what the woman was saying, my mind was solely concerned about the children...
"I knew that my baby was gone forever"
The woman paused.
I spun around to see the monster bent with its clenched fist against the floor as if it has just hit someone. I couldn't spot the children anywhere... what if they had been crushed by it? 
Demolishing the very soul of the victim, the monster consistently kept punching the human figure under its fist. Little whimpers were audible from the corner. That's when I realized the intensity of the kids' trauma: not only did they see their dad fall of a building, but they now saw a person being crushed alive.
"Kids run"
I signaled to them to run past the monster, but they didn't move a muscle.
"Hurry up"
I didn't want to yell at the kids but since they weren't listening to me it was the only way to gain their attention. The little brother was still too scared to move and wouldn't stop crying, but his sister decided to act. She grabbed him by his shoulders to force him to go with her.
"Come on"
They ran to us, while the monster threw some metal rails at them but missed. It wasn't planning on letting them pass, so we pointed the kids to go behind us. Now that the kids were out of the way, we were left with one thing to do...
"How do we kill that thing?"
He he was right, how will we? There's no way us three people can kill that monstrosity, it's way stronger than all of us. We waited for someone to come up with a solution. Rapidly, someone jumped on its back biting it before we could even decide. Agonizing screams, thudding floors, pure torture: the monster was trying to liberate itself from this abnormal person. I was sure it was no normal person, no way would anyone have the guts to attack that thing let alone jump that high.
I couldn't look at her face since it was buried in his neck, but one thing did catch my eye: it was her clothing. Earlier when the monster had punched someone, it was just the top half of the body, exposing the clothes so we could see. This girl wore the exact same clothes. What is she?

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