Chapter 15- Su yeongs POV-

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"Su-yeong, I'm scared. Is he dead?"
My left foot remained on one stair and the other foot froze in its place on the next step. Looking back towards my younger brother who was now drenched in his own tears, I reassured him that everything was going to work out. I grasped his hand: I didn't want him to be sad... It was possible that the monster could've killed that man who was trying to help us. If only I was strong enough to help. All we could do was expect him to be fine. I wanted to become the adult here while he was fighting off the monster and hopefully.... winning
"We have to go on our own"
I spoke in a steady voice so he could feel safe, but his eyes plainly showed fear. I won't let anything happen to him.
"But I'm scared"
I couldn't do anything about that; I could only support him, and even if I try to do that, I don't think that will be good enough to make him feel more secure with me... he cried more from angst. I looked down feeling bad and saw that he had urinated in his pants... how could I help?
"It's okay, I won't tell anyone alright?"
He looked at me with those puppy eyes - my weakness. I wanted to get out of this place as fast as we could. Away from this big monster. Away from this chaos. We had to move again before we bumped into another one.
"Let's go" I turned my back to him, still holding his hand before...

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