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Tobias would be gone for a few weeks. He would meet his father to tell him about the situation and also his decision. I just knew that his father would also be happy about his decision.

It was indeed a hard step for Tobias to make, but what matters is that he wanted to get better. He wanted to be a better version of himself. A few weeks may be long but we didn't want to rush things when it's about what we're dealing with.

"Be safe, son, and good luck. Tell your father we said hello." Tobias and my dad exchanged a hug. And I felt myself smiling.

"I will, Connor. Thank you."

Clara also stepped in and hugged Tobias with a smile on her face. It's rare seeing my sister smiling genuinely. But she knew about Tobias and what he's dealing with. I like to think that she is very proud of him as well as I am.

I held hands with Tobias while walking to his car. "You sure you don't want me to come?"

"I will be fine, my love. Besides, Connor and Clara needs you here. You have things to deal with too."

"Alright, but feel free to call me anytime. If there's anything wrong."

"Are you magically gonna teleport to France if that happens?"

"I will if I have to." I said. "Or if I can-though frankly speaking, I can't."

Tobias laughed, and then he kissed me. I kissed him back, knowing that it would take a while to be with him again. Then I put my arms around him and hugged him tight. Tobias Antoine was a broken man, and he's now about to start healing his wounded soul.

He walked up to his car. I walked up to the house. Dad and Clara were standing on the porch. They were smiling.

"Elliot!" Tobias called. I looked at him. He looked at me. I still get lost on those wicked brown eyes.

And then he just smiled. "Je t'aime."

For all I know, I was smiling, and for the first time in my whole existence in this world, I believed in this weird thing called love.

"Je t'aime aussi."

ElliotOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant