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Knowing that Tobias would come to school using his car, I stayed at the tree near the parking lot. Patiently waiting for him to arrive.

I realized I seemed eager on wanting to see him first thing in the day. But what can I say? I did like seeing Tobias a lot. If I could stare at him forever, I would. God, that sounds so fucking cheesy.

The familiar black car rolled at one of the parking spot. I smiled. I knew right away that it was him. He stepped out of his vehicle. I made my way to him and he immediately saw me, a smile forming on his face.

"Morning," I said.

"Morning." He looked around. Then placed a brief kiss on my lips. I stupidly smiled, of course.

"Missed me already?"

"I wasn't the one waiting at the parking lot."

"Bold of you to assume I was waiting for you."

"Hmm." Tobias looked unconvinced and smiled teasingly. He looked really nice. I wish I could run my hand through his hair.

We walked together. "How's sleep?" I said. I didn't really know what to say. But I enjoyed talking to him. It didn't matter whether the conversation was nonsense or not.

"Good. I dreamt of you."

"You did?" I couldn't help my smile.

"Yes. You finally became the prince of America."

"Damn." I said. "You should probably apply as my butler."

He chuckled. "I'd love to do that," he said. "And you? How was sleep?"

"Fine. I dreamt of me."

"Of course, you did." He rolled his eyes.

"What? You jealous you weren't my dream?"

"Nah." We both smiled at each other. I wish I could hold his hand. Some sort of feeling made me realize that I was relieved.

Was it because I'm happy? Maybe I am happy. I don't want to jinx it.

This whole thing with Tobias was still quite a mystery to me. Did I like him? Did I really like him? I didn't know.

But I enjoyed his company. I liked it the first time we kissed. I also liked the second one. I always wished I could touch him.

Maybe I did like him. Or maybe I'm just being taken away by my feelings because I was happy at the moment.

Whatever it is, I didn't really want to care for now. I wanted to be happy. And right now, I am. This whole mystery of my confused feelings with Tobias would be figured out soon.

Right now, all I wanted was to be with him.


"Stayed out late with Tobias, huh?" Dad said.

It was the fifth time this afternoon that he had opened up the topic about me staying out late with Tobias. Funny how I thought he would be mad at me, but he wasn't. Instead, he shot questions with an annoying teasing smirk on his face.

"Dad, for the fifth fucking time, yes."

He pointed a wrench to me. "Watch the language, young man."

I shook my head. I continued helping fixing the engine of another customer's car.

"But, seriously..." Dad said.

"Oh my god."

"I want to know what happened. Did you two have a date?"

"It wasn't a date." Though I wanted it to be.

"Then what was it?"

"A celebration. We both passed pre-final exams."

"Just the two of you?" Dad passed me the wrench.


"How is two guys hanging out late at night just celebrating?"

I shrugged. "No homo intended."

Dad chuckled. I heard the engine start. It was finally fixed and Dad closed the hood of the car. He sent another question related to last night. He was really into knowing what happened, whether we dated, we shared a kiss, or anything.

I didn't tell him everything.

Talking about that brought me back to last night. I'll never forget the unforgettable moment Tobias and I shared. I'd like to share that with him again. I'd like to share every moment with him.

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