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I didn't listen much to Alvin's blabbering this morning while in the bus. I kept thinking about the exam results. I keep saying to myself that all will be just fine. I do hope so.

The campus was busy. My skateboard was broken so I had to take bus rides these past week.

I saw Manta and Briar at the hall, talking. I figured that it wasn't just them at all. River, Tayla, Nico, Benedict, and Tobias were there also.

"Hey, look! It's them!" Alvin said. He ran off to the group. I followed him from behind and greeted everyone. Tobias just smiled at me and I returned it and immediately looked away.

"What's the news?" I said.

"We were just talking about the thing." Briar said.

"What thing?"

"You know, the thing."

"Not everyone knows what the thing is, Briar." River said.

"I'm sure she's talking about the exams." Nico said.

"Why not just say that then?" I said.

"She's playing the role of a wizard while pretending that the exams is Voldemort." Manta said. She was leaning at a wall while typing something on her phone. "So, basically the thing is her version of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

Alvin laughed. "Riddikulus."

Some groaned and some laughed. I like having this kind of moments with my friends. I wish life would be just this light sometimes.

Someone nudged my shoulder. "You alright?" It was Tobias.

I looked at him and saw the letters of concern written on his face. It somehow flattered me that I knew he was thinking about me. I wished it was true. Was it?

"All good." I said. "You?"

"All good."

We both smiled.

The day slowly passed. My mind was just thinking about the results.

I did hope all will be just fine.

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