4: Fighter

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{a/n: Surprise! This story is in chapter 4 already... Yooohooo!
I hope you guys are enjoying your time reading this special story I made... See you in the ending!}

 See you in the ending!}

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Third person POV (8 years later)

Jimin is now a happy 16 year old highschool boy... He is currently attending Seoul School of Performing Arts (SOPA), together with his beloved friends... His hyung is an alumni of the school, which made it easier for him to be accepted... He worked hard on this, as he study his ass off towards his acceleration exam when he was in elementary...

He excel in all subjects, most especially in Math and Science and even his beloved English... Jin is so proud of him, considering that he was kinda late for his age...
His soulmate/ bestie forever often asked him if he really is late when it comes to his cognitive development or maybe the doctors were wrong and he is really a genius...

Jimin didn't really change when it comes to talking... He still stutter whenever he's nervous, and experience panic attacks when he's in difficult situation...
He often go to his doctor whenever he's having bad days, from which he skip school as a result...

He often go to his doctor whenever he's having bad days, from which he skip school as a result

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Jimin is ready to go to school when suddenly, a group of jocks riding motorcycles pass by his parents house... They were armed with slushies and raw eggs and even paint that they throw to anyone who caught their attention... Sadly, the young boy was their target as soon as he left his house... The group threw him raw eggs and paint, feeling triumph when they dirtied Jimin's uniform...
One of them even call the smaller a "Useless homo", from which Jimin froze in his spot...

When the group finally left, Jimin's knees felt jelly, as he suddenly slumped into the grass, shaking... He called his Jin-hyung, saying that he can't go to school due to some fever... But the latter is not convinced about his reason, and even promised to come over to their house after his classes...

When Jin came into the Parks residence, he was shocked... Jimin locked himself up to his room again, the same thing he did when his brother left to America... He doesn't want to talk to anyone, not even accepting food from their maid... He completely block everyone outside his room, as he cried himself to sleep...

"I-If only chu d-didn't left Mimi, G-gugu..."


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The following day, Taehyung and Hoseok came to the smaller's house to check on him... Their friend didn't answer all of their messages, even turn off his phone to avoid their calls... Mrs. Park gave them a spare key, as they wanted to know what's going on with Jimin... And upon opening the door of his room, they were devastated, as they found Jimin's uniform from yesterday... He got bullied, AGAIN.

"Hey Mimi... It's me, Taetae..." The taller sat on the bed and gently shake his best friend to wake up. "Come on little angel, we need to go to school..."

Hoseok also sat on the other side, caressing the smaller's hair. "Wakey wakey little prince, it's time to go to school now..."

Jimin groans upon hearing voices inside his room... When he open his eyes, he saw his friends sitting on each side, smiling at him... He tried to hide under his fluffy blanket, yet Taehyung quickly tugged the sheet and embrace him.

"Come on Mimi, we need to go to school and learn new things! Don't you want to meet Mr. Bang and learn new formulas from him, while helping your poor friends with our Mathematics class..." Taehyung fake cry. "We are beyond terrified to attend his class since his favorite student is not there..."

Hoseok also added. "He also gave us so much assignment that I didn't even know how to do! Oh God! I think I'm gonna vomit... My head will lose the only braincell that I have... Help us pleaaaaaseeee~"

Jimin chuckled at his friends as he embrace them both... Today is another day, so he shouldn't feel down anymore... God wouldn't let his children experience pain without learning something from it...
And Jimin will definitely fight for his own right as a person...

"A-alright d-drama kings, Mimi will j-j-just take a b-bath and we c-can all eat b-breakfast before going to s-school..." He smiles.

The two high five as they celebrate for their victory...

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