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" I never saw it coming...," said Peter slightly surprised.

The queen of Bana Mighdal removed her hood from her head and revealed her face to him.

" ...Nubia," sighed Peter, as he looked at his past self's daughter with Hippolyta.

" Surprise father?!," exclaimed Nubia with a smirk.

The other amazon's eyes widened as they heard their queen call the before them, her father.

Artemis was quietly glaring holes behind the back of the man who humiliated her, the greatest warrior of Bana Mighdal. Her mind was running about why their queen has stopped the guards and hadn't killed the man on sight but her greeting made her eyes bug out.

She realized why and who the man before she is, She quickly kneeled before him.

" Welcome home, Lord Anansi!" Greeted Artemis, ashamed for not recognising him. The other amazons too followed suit after seeing their queen and General greet the man before them.

Peter just sighed tiredly, he felt Nubia patting his shoulder,

" Still not used to people bowing to you?" Asked Nubia sympathetically.

" kind of," replied Peter.

" So how is Diana doing? The last time I had heard of her, she had joined some warrior group?" asked Nubia as she dismissed the amazons with her hand.

" she's doing great, she is one of the leaders of the league and she has come a long way from being her past arrogant self and I tea in her sometimes my style to fight with her lasso." Replied Peter with a proud smile as he walked beside Nubia. He can see several amazons coming beside their path and bowing towards them.

" the word travels fast," mused Nubia as she saw her people.

" But I am confused how come you are the queen of Bana mighdal?" Asked Peter.

" first I was a priestess of father, to search for his legacy I had ran away from Themyscira without mother's permission. I love my father a lot so I left Themyscira to find the legacy he left behind. I travelled wherever I sensed the power of the web, chasing his shadow around the world. I saw mankind drenched in blood and war but I saw hope and happiness too." Said, Nubia.

" At one point in time, I met the tribe that was granted the totem of Tantu. They led me to the temple of my father in Ghana, protected by the rogue amazons. First, they were hostile against me for being the Amazon of Themyscira but soon warmed up to me after realising who I was. I became the priestess of my father's temple for 3 decades and earned their trust," she continued, Peter noticed that they were diverting from the path, he assumed to be of the Palace.

" they took me to Bana Mighdal, I was the first Amazon from Themyscira to reach the hidden city of rogue amazons. I then became her apprentice and learned to protect the secret that you came for. After about another 5 decades the queen passed away from the injuries that she had gained before Bana Mighdal and during fighting many wars with men. Later I was crowned as their queen and the guardian of the secret." Soon they entered what looked like a giant Colosseum, many Amazons were looking at him with suspicion, hope and many other emotions.

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