Mystical training

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The portal opened near the gates of Kamar Taj, first Peter stepped out of the portal a moment later follows by Dr strange.

" whoah!!" Gasped Peter.

" Wonderful isn't it? Follow me" said Dr strange as he moved into the temple of Kamar Taj. Peter followed him as they moved towards the chambers of the sorcerer supreme.

" it's good to have you back, Peter, Good people like you shouldn't suffer. I can somewhat understand what you went through, people don't know the sacrifices you made." Said strange as he looked solemnly at him.

" for a moment I feared for the entire existence of a multiverse, but Anansi saved you, I'm gals for that. Please don't do this again" said Dr strange while sighing heavily at last.

' Anansi? Does he think he saved me? He kind of saved me but wasn't it One Above All. ' thought Peter confused.

Suddenly he heard the voice of Anansi in his head.

' father is the greatest and biggest entity of our multiverse, not everyone know of him whether be a god or a sorcerer supreme. He only meets those who he thinks is worthy '

' oh, now I get it,' thought back Peter.

They both entered the chambers, Strange then addressed him.

" you will be thinking why do you need to learn magic and how did I know that you were alive, right? " said Dr Strange.

" Sometimes I feel I'm lost, the people who are going to train me do know more than the meaning of being weaver than me" sighed Peter, he was tired of this.

" I can understand what you are feeling. When I was trained as the sorcerer supreme the ancient one and the people around me kept secrets from me, but I can assure you this even we don't know the full extent of the plans anansi has laid out for you." Strange explained to him.

He reached towards a book on the bookshelf and picked it out. He waved his hand over the book and the book glowed for a second then he handed it over to peter.

"Have a look at this, I've translated the book for you" peter scanned the book in his hand and opened the first page.

" It seems more like a diary than a spellbook to me," said Peter as he looked at the book and flipped through pages.

" yes, in a way it is. It contains the most important events of the universe they encountered as the sorcerer supreme. Agamotto, the first sorcerer supreme, has written his encounters with Anansi " informed Dr Strange and he snapped his fingers, the pages flipped and stopped on the entry of Agamotto.

Peter read the entire meeting between Anansi and Agamotto and he learned many facts from them.

" so anansi helped Agamotto create the all-seeing Eye of Agamotto?" Asked Peter astonished.

" yes, the eye is based on the concept of the web of life. Anansi had already tailored his successor, he wanted the sorcerer supreme to teach you sorcery because it takes you one step closer to access the web, he was a trickster so he never told Agamotto when his successor would come so every sorcerer supreme after Agamotto has been waiting for the next weaver. I'm the fortunate one who will train the weaver of destinies and realities" said Strange as he bowed in front of Peter.

Peter still wasn't comfortable with people bowing and addressing him respectively. 6 months ago he was just a normal street-level hero who was hated unjustly and had family issues. Now everything is changed.

" So uh Doc, what are you gonna teach me? " asked Peter nervously.

Strange moved in the middle of the room and started chanting in the Xhosa language.

" ndinike ukufikelela kwiwebhu yobomi, i-anansi enkulu "
(Translation: grant me access to the web of life, great anansi)
His eyes started to glow gold and the eye of the Agamotto too started to glow. A spider-web pattern glowed on the floor and a tome appeared in front of him.

He grabbed the tome and everything turned normal.

" What was that? " asked Peter curiously.

" We sorcerer supreme's has been granted very limited access to the web of life to summon the tome in my hand. This tome is unreadable for anyone other than yourself" said Dr strange as he handed the tome to Peter.

" This tome is the key for you learning magic and get access to the web. I'm just here to guide you" said Dr strange " Now get ready to learn a mystical side of your power, Peter Parker"

" I'm ready," Said Peter with determination.



Peter was floating in the meditation posture in the middle of the room. In front of him, the tome of the web of life was also floating while occasionally flipping through pages. He has worn a new suit, with the hood attached to the cape.

His eyes snapped open as he saw a portal opened in front of him and a tired and slightly injured Dr strange stepped out of the portal

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

His eyes snapped open as he saw a portal opened in front of him and a tired and slightly injured Dr strange stepped out of the portal. The portal immediately closed after him, for a brief moment Peter sensed chaotic energy coming from the portal before it closed.

He rushed to Dr strange and helped him to stand up.

" what happened Doc? Who did this to you? " asked Peter in concern.

" Her sanity is slipping day by day, you need to stop her Spider-man, otherwise reality would be in danger * wince* and she got more powerful than before but her control has slipped"

" Who's she Doc? " asked Peter, he needed to know who was powerful enough to injure The sorcerer supreme and is a danger to reality itself.

" you know her, Peter," said Dr strange.

" who? " he asked confused.





" Wanda Maximoff!"

*phew* hey guys another chapter is done.

Here we got to know the connection between Anandi and Sorcerer supreme Agamotto and how he helped him to forge the Eye of Agamotto. I did a time skip of Peter's magical training, and his training and power in mystic arts will be shown in the next chapter.

And lastly, you might be confused as to how reality is in danger because Wanda, wasn't it spider-man who held reality in balance?. All will be answered in the next chapter.

See ya all soon.

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