Journey 2 (Death)

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EARTH 3123

Peter exited the portal to earth 3123, Wanda looked confused after seeing his urgency.

" Peter, what happened? Why are you in hurry? " asked Wanda in concern.

" something is not right, I can sense disturbance with the totem of this world and the inheritors are housed here under her care," said Peter as he looked at the neighbourhood where Spider-ma'am. It was entirely dark not even street lights were on. The entire area was eerily silent.

" I can sense a magic-user in that house" pointed Wanda at a house.

Peter's heart dropped as he knows who's house is that he rushed to the house and busted the door open.

They saw a female figure in a cloak leaving through a portal while smiling at them wickedly as she left through the portal.

The lights in the house turned on, what he saw left tears in his eyes. He can see Ben Parker who had a gaping hole in his chest, his heart was laid beside him and Peter Parker whose limbs were torn apart. He rushed to the figure of his aunt lying on the floor with her head bleeding profusely. He checked her pulse and sighed with relief, he found her pulse running. He healed her with his powers.

Wanda too cried to see her love crying with Aunt May in his arms, even if she was not his earth. She started to examine the entire house with her magic, she found some remains of chaos magic lingering around.


Peter was sitting alone on the rooftop of the house, he was blaming himself for the death of his uncle and his other-self.
He had attended their funeral with Wanda by disguising themselves.

He had seen Teresa Parker of this universe attending and helping aunt May who was sitting in a wheelchair and crying heavily.

They both were now in May's room, Teresa was supporting May. He heard Wanda walking towards him.

" Peter, I had found residual chaos magic in the house last night. It was the work of a sadistic person, Peter's limbs were torn apart by the magic-user" said Wanda in a whisper.

" What about my uncle and aunt? Was it the work of the same person? " asked Peter while staring blankly ahead.

" it could be or could not be, because it looked like someone had physically ri--ripped out his heart and bashed May's head repeatedly on the furniture. The sorceress could have done this or she had a companion with her " hypothesized Wanda.

" But why would they do it? " asked Wanda.

" Inheritors" stated Peter firmly.

" What? Why? " asked a stunned Wanda.

" There is someone who wants to kill the totems,  so they are recruiting Inheritors again and will use them to destroy the web," said Peter grimly.

He stood up and went to meet Aunt May, and his sister will see him for the first time.


Peter and Wanda entered her room, they saw May sitting looking tired with bandages wrapped around her head, Teresa was sitting beside her, holding one of May's hands.

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