"She also didn't sign herself up for the retreat. Which by the way isn't really a retreat."

Omar laughs, clapping his hands. "You're kidding! It's like the universe wants you'll together." I roll my eyes, always dramatic. It was pure coincidence. "Who signed her up?"

"Her mom and best friend. Apparently she view relationships similar to me and I doubt that will change for either of us any time soon." This time Omar rolls his eyes.

"You just had to be paired with someone dead set on not finding love too. Plan backfired.." I flip my burgers not really knowing how to respond to that.

"Why did you email her if you knew you weren't going to want a relationship? Chris and I told you that you didn't have to go through with it."

I turn towards him, leaning on the backyard door. "I figured I could make a new friend and this could occupy me while I'm suspended."

"Wow, you are something special."

I wink at him before checking on my burgers. I know that Christina and Omar had good intentions for this. I don't doubt that this experiment is the real deal. It worked for them and probably for other people. I just don't know if it's going to work for me.

"Well, if she's going to be your friend, tell me more about her."


Every bone in my body is fighting me. Coach was not playing when he said we were shit. I'm hurting and aching in places I didn't know I could.

I fortunately could make it up the stairs to my apartment. As much as I want to get in the bed, I need to wash this sweat off me.

So, I drop my bag wherever it lands and head straight for the shower. I have thunderstorm white noise playing through my speaker. Letting my body calm down and relax under the hot water.

My phone chimes just as I get out. The bathroom is fogged from the heat of the shower.

Hey Ares, how was your day?

I have to admit it. It's nice having someone to talk too like this. Even if it's only been a day since we knew of each other's existence. I could get used to this routine. The only person I talked to everyday was my brother, Urijah.

Tiring as hell, what about yours?

It wasn't too bad. I did an arm workout today.

Don't tell me you're becoming a mini me already lol

Hardly, I told you that I do arm days...occasionally.

Lmao, yea ight.

I continue to dry myself off, laughing a little at her previous text. She is comical. I'll give her that. I wrap my towel around my waste and walked into my room.

What are you up too?

Umm without being weird, I just got out the shower.

Why would that be weird?

You seriously don't know?


Then never mind lmao

I laugh because her response made me realize that she really isn't privy to the dating scene.

Guys like to take a girl saying she was getting in or out the shower as an invitation to ask for pictures these days. Or they say some shit like "Without me?"

It's not cool coming from some random guy. I figured the opposite would be just as weird but if she doesn't get it, there's nothing too worry about.

Can I ask you something?

Yeah, what's up?

I was wondering why you responded to my email if you don't have the intention of being in a relationship?

Woah, let's dive right in lol

But umm I think because even though I'm not looking for a romantic relationship, I could still make a friendship out of this. My views on relationships put a damper on the amount of friends I have too, that and my profession.

I was thinking the same, that's why I initially emailed you, I've been going through a bit of a rough patch in my life. I made a lot of mistakes that I'm paying for now so, I thought maybe talking and getting to know a stranger could help.

It's actually strange how much Indie and I think alike when it comes to relationships. We both figured we could get friendships out of this while everyone else expected us the become romantic. We are making it work for us.

I get in the bed, turning off every light but one lamp beside my bed. When I'm settled in, I read Indies response.

Lol, well I'm glad you did. Now, off the hard topics. Where do you live?

LA and I'm going to assume you live here too because you have the same area code.

Yep, I moved here when I was 13.

I've lived here the majority of my life. I've lived in other places, but not for as long. Where are you originally from?

San Francisco

fr? That's where I used to live a few years back. I hated it though lol, came back too LA after 6 months.

Damn, why didn't you like it?

I don't know really, it just didn't give me a homey vibe.

I feel that.

Okay, what does a typical day look like for you. Lay it out for me? I have to see if we are...compatible


Apparently, we are if we got matched together, but alright.

I wake up at 5 am most days. I'm at work from 7am to 7pm unless I choose to stay later, and I come home. Generally, I light some candles and relax with a book and wine, or I might finish up some work. Occasionally, I'll have dinner with my best friend.

What do you do for work? If you don't mind me asking.

I don't mind you asking but I don't think I'm ready to share that just yet. Remember I told you that my profession plays a role in my lack of friends. Don't want to scare you off just yet.

No problem, I don't know why I asked, I probably would've said the same thing. My situation is similar in I don't have a lot of friends because of my job.



Well, I'm happy to be your friend Ares.

You too Indie

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