12|| Kisses and White shirts

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"I hope I made you feel something because you made me feel everything."

-Gemma Troy



Viransh's smile became tender as his cognac glares drank in Avni's appearance illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the large window of his office. His eyes flitted down to her lips before returning to her dark irises, which seemed to swirl as she stared back at him. He could feel her heart thumping against her ribcage so loudly as her body pressed to his hard chest.

The smile on his face slowly slipped as his face turned pensive, and he studied Avni's eyes widening as his mouth drew closer to hers.

"Avni," he whispered, his warm breath caressing her lips while his gaze moved between them and her eyes. He dipped his head lower until barely a hair's breadth between their lips.

Avni closed her eyes, anticipating feeling the touch of his lips on hers. Her breathing hitched as she felt his lips whisper against her earlobe, "You're drunk."

She opened her eyes and sought his. She noticed his amber eyes with a dark, sensual haze flitting in them as they battled for breath and control.

Avni's face flushed with mortification as Viransh cocked his eyebrow at her, the emotions in his eyes finally disappearing behind his usual shutter as he stared down at her. She groaned before sagging against his hard chest.

"You stupid man," she mumbled against his chest, inhaling the irresistible smell of his cologne that sent her mind into another state of intoxication. "Did you just reject the offer to kiss me?"

"You're drunk," he said again while gently placing his hands on her shoulder and pulling her away. Tipping her chin, he took note of her flustered feature. Her dilated pupils, her slurred voice, and the half-filled bottle on the couch were enough to imply she was drunk. Besides, sober Avni would rather kick his balls than ask him for a hug and kiss.

"Does that matter?" Avni quipped, her eyebrows dipping down into a frown.

"Of course it does."

"I feel embarrassed. You don't want to kiss me."

"Right now, all I want is to press my lips against yours into a feverish kiss." He murmured, his lips grazing the outer shell of her ear, his breath warm and feather-like against her skin. "But I want you to be fully sober when our lips sync so you can feel our tongue translating the ballad of our hearts. I want you to feel the world stopping for the briefest of time, and I want you to feel every inch of your soul screaming for more."

Brushing a strand of her dark locks behind the ears, he whispered, his husky voice sending chills down her spine. "I want to kiss you senselessly until the only name you will ever taste would be mine."

Avni opened her eyes, peeking at his face. Even in her hazy state, she didn't miss the flicker of numerous emotions dashing in his eyes before a raw intensity settled in them. No words came out of her mouth as she kept staring at him.

Viransh grinned before stroking her lower lips with this thumb. Before she could say anything, he leaned in and kissed the corner of her mouth, and his arms snaked around her waist before she fell owing to her imbalanced drunk state.

Viransh frowned in confusion as he felt her jabbing a finger into his chest. "You!"

"Me?" He asked, arching his perfect brows at her behavior.

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