08|| The Family feud

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"Those who are hardest to love, need it the most."







That's all she felt when the realization dawned on her that Rudra's mouth was mashing against hers. Other than the reeking smell of stale cigarettes, there was nothing but a stoic feeling on his lips, devoid of affections. She tried to scream, but little of it carried away as he swallowed most of the sound.

Suddenly, she felt his hands snake around her waist, trying to pull her closer. She twisted to get away, but he leaned his weight on her, kissing her harder, almost bruising them. Taking hold of her shoulder, he pinned her against the wall, switching their position from minutes ago. He pulled away when he realized that the girl was not kissing him back.

"So you won't kiss me back, huh?" he squeezed her jaw tightly in his rough hands, but Avni refused to let out a whimper and give him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.

"You wish, honey," she gritted out.

He lowered his mouth, kissing her again. Suddenly, he bit her lower lip, drawing out blood. The metallic taste of the blood amplified the outrage in her as she swung her right knee forward to the man's groin, making him cry out in pain. She saw him staggering backward and screaming in pain. Without wasting any time, she ran towards the door. Her hands started to fumble with the knob, but she was held back by Rudra, who quickly wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back.

"You will regret your actions, love," he dragged her back into the middle of the room.

"No, I'll enjoy smashing your head, asshole," she said as she edged her head backward, and in a swift movement, she smashed it forward against his. The force of this impact had him stumbling back while groaning in pain. While falling back, his hands accidentally brushed against the vase kept on the table, which fell on the cold tiles, shattering into pieces, startling both of them.

She stared at Rudra, whose hands were pressed against the tiles for balance, before his hand went to his head, wiping the blood. She found herself staring at the tattoo on the back of his right hand.

Straightening up, Avni assimilated the details that formed a beautiful art created by the dark ink trailed from his wrist to the knuckles. She recalled how surprised she was on her seventeenth birthday when he got it engraved on his right wrist. She looked back at his face, her lips twisted in resentment as she recalled that it was all facade.

When he stared back at her, his face went red in a mask of rage and fury. Before she had any chance to react, he took quick steps toward her and pushed her down on the bed with force, making her lose her balance. She was now beneath him, struggling to free herself from him, but his weight on her didn't allow her to escape his grasp. His right hand kept her in place by the shoulder, and his other one hovered down her neck. She kicked and punched him, managing to hit him a few times with self-defense techniques she knew, but he was stronger than her.

A loud knock on the door alarmed Rudra, who spent no time clasping his hand down on her mouth.

"Don't you dare utter a word," he enunciated to the girl in a hushed tone.

She tried opening her mouth, so she could either scream or bite him, but his hand was like a vise around her face fusing her lips to shut together. She started struggling, trying to twist her body free, but he shot her a warning glare before spewing words, "Don't struggle! You'll only make it worse for yourself."

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