07|| White Roses & Rudra

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Avni stood in the middle of the room, staring at the bouquet. A dry smile appeared on her lips as she recalled how much she hated them now. Marching towards the bed, she picked them up. Her eyes immediately fell on the red card tucked in between the roses. Without hesitation, she took it out to read the content written over it. A familiar feeling of sentimentality tucked at her heart as she saw his neat handwriting over them. She couldn't forget him even after so many years.

See, we met again, my sweet Princess. What if you and I were meant to part ways, only so that we could find each other again?

-xoxo R

She crumbled the card in her hand, despising each word written. She couldn't stop the creeping feeling that arose in her core. Her chest heaved due to the amount of rage that she felt towards that guy. She couldn't believe that he dared to send these flowers to her room. That too, in the middle of the night.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her trance. As she opened the door, her breath hitched seeing Viransh, who stood at the doorstep, looking disheveled, opposite the way he looked at tonight's event. His hair was messy, a few strands falling on his forehead, which seemed he'd raked his hands through them numerous times. The suit jacket looped around his left arm, the shirt creased, and he looked chaotic. Even with his disorganized form, he managed to look sensual.

Avni bit at her lower lips, realizing that she was staring at him for the straight five minutes. "What do you want?" she asked him, withering as he smirked after noticing her staring.

"You can stare at me all you want. It's not like I mind," Viransh's lips formed into a lopsided grin, amusement and smugness dashing in his gaze.

Rolling her eyes, she asked him again, utterly annoyed at the interruption, "What brings you here?"

"Don't go to the city tomorrow," he looked down, shifting on his feet.

"Why shouldn't I?" Avni stated nonchalantly, confused at his weird behavior.

"Because there might be chances of the storm hitting tomorrow. It won't be safe to travel on the streets. Also, you know how storm-" Viransh stopped blabbering as soon as a finger was placed on his lips, shutting him up.

Realizing what she did, Avni instantly pulled her hands back and looked at him sheepishly, "Sorry, I didn't understand anything from your prattle."

"You make me lose my words as no one else can," he sighed after letting out a deep breath, "I was saying I don't think that you should go there."

"Fine, but I will leave as soon as the weather clears."


"What?" she exclaimed, utterly confused at his word.

Composing himself, he persisted, "As long as you are in Los Angeles, I want you to stay here. I don't think it's necessary to travel back to the city unless you have some work there-"

"I don't have any work there," the girl told him, cutting him off in the middle.

"Perfect. Just stay here as long you want, and if you want to visit any places nearby-" Viransh's gaze fell on the flowers in her hands. He fell silent, glaring at them. The muscle in his jaw ticked, and his eyes turned dark, which didn't go unnoticed by Avni. He said insolently, "I think I should leave now. Good Night."

"Good Night," Viransh nodded and passed her a small smile.

He started turning back to leave, but suddenly, he remembered something, "Were you expecting someone at his hour?" he asked, surprising the woman standing in front of him.

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