Chapter 19

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(Y/n and Otto made it back to the warehouse house and they see that Khan and max were doing there best to shut down the bomb but with no luck)

Y/n-Khan how are we doing with the bomb?

Khan-Not so good Everytime we find a way to shut it down it keeps getting worse.

Otto-That is because I made sure that the only way to shut it down is with a kill code that I made.

(Khan then sees Otto and goes into a battle but y/n goes in front of Otto to protect him)

Y/n-Khan stop he is trying to help us.

Khan-Help us he is the one who started all of this!!!

Y/n-I know but he is going to make things right you gotta trust me on this.

(Khan then looks at Otto then y/n and goes out of his battle stance)

Khan-Alright I trust you y/n.

Y/n-Thank you alright Otto time to shut it down.

(Otto then nods at y/n and goes to the bomb to put in the kill code but y/n spider sense went off and he looked back at Otto and he sees overhaul behind Otto)

Y/n-Otto look out!!!


(Overhaul then smack Otto away and y/n ran to him to see if he was alive and thankfully he was)

Overhaul-I knew that he was too weak to get the job done.

Khan-Oh and the job includes using a little girl to kill everyone on the planet?!?!

Overhaul-Like I always say the ultimate risk for the ultimate prize and beside it not like nobody is going to miss her because she is nothing but a ugly little monster who only purpose in life is to die for my cause.

(When he said that Khan and y/n were beyond pissed they were so mad that y/n pop a blood vessel but venom was able to heal him and Khan was turning into his true form)



Y/n-Want to join me to teach this guy a lesson?

Khan-Though that you would never ask.

(Y/n then transform into his venom form and Khan went to his true form and they both stared at overhaul with the intention to kill him)

Overhaul-Now that the time has finally come let's begin shall we.

(Y/n and Khan wasted no time to dash at overhaul but he quickly touches the  ground destroying it making y/n and Khan fell down but they quickly reacted and jumped out of the hole)

(Y/n and Khan wasted no time to dash at overhaul but he quickly touches the  ground destroying it making y/n and Khan fell down but they quickly reacted and jumped out of the hole)

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Y/n-It is going to take more than that to get rid of us.

Overhaul-I would of been disappointed if it did.

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