9. Always yours.

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Inspired by a movie that I watched couple of years ago....don't know maybe when I was a kid.

So here you go.

Plot twist.

Jungkook was a killer. In an official way. He used to join with polices on their secret missions and he is the one who kills those cruel people who becomes nightmare of poor people.

That's how one day his mission was in a night club. Where innocent people gets sold and harassed in many ways. He hated when poor people have to suffer so much and didn't hesitated to kill those who makes them suffer like that. Even before going to the club, he was raging in fire.

"Calm down Kook. We are going to end their evil business and save those innocent people."

Yoongi, head of the police department tried to calm the younger as he somewhat calmed a bit.

Soon they arrived there- wearing causal dresses to get inside.

"Alright team. We are separating here. Search everywhere and Jeon. Kill everyone who is getting on your way. We can only save people like that. Now start the mission."

Everyone scattered here and there as Jungkook started to move forward and stopped when he heared loud cries echoing inside a room which he is standing in front of now. He can clearly sense that the person is getting forced for something as loud growls of another person who is forcing the other is also can be heared.

With raging fire, taking his gun on the right hand, he kicked the door open and saw two people on a bed with one above other. The one who is below is still screaming and trying to push the later as the other is still forcing him for what he want.

"Don't you dare to touch him again."

The man suddenly stood up from the bed and looked angrily at Jungkook who is still pointing his gun to him.

"What is it Dude. You can have him later. Now let me take his virginity first. Look at him all pretty little slut for m-"

The man couldn't complete his words as Jungkook shot him on the head. The boy who was crying all this while startled and scream more when he saw the man laying on the floor lifeless as blood is still coming out from his head.

"D-don't kill me. I don't do anything."

"Sh...it's Okey. We are here to save you all. Come."

They rescued the whole people from there and burned the club with its owner and his workers. Well Jungkook did it to be clear.

Police found the relatives of those people and send them there except one. The same one who Jungkook saved. He was a small and fragile boy who didn't had anything but tears on his eyes. He was still crying eventhough the incident happened one week ago. He was at the police protection. 

"Hyung. Can I take him with me to my home? Only if he is willing to."

Jungkook asked while looking at the boy who is curled up as a ball on a corner of the room.

Soon the boy agreed to go with the elder since he is the only one he got comfort in that place.

Jungkook was treating him like his own family member. Did everything that the boy needed as if he asked for anything. Soon the boy started to come out of his shell and spend more time with him.

Unknownly they two fall for each other.

Jungkook was the one who opened up about his feelings and when he found the younger feels the same for him, he couldn't help but feel like he conquered the whole universe.

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