2.Untold LOVE

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"And the best daner of the year award goes to....Jeon Jungkook. Congrats Jungkook. Please give him around of applause."

The host of the show announced as every student around the auditorium stood up and clapped their hands while cheering for their college heartthrob the one and only Jeon Jungkook. Everyone's eyes where at the certain person who was now standing from his seat which was situated in the front row along with his friends who are now hugging him while jumping crazily. He straightly walked to the stage where he is going to get the award as the best dancer of the year.

"Fuck him...fuck the jury...ah...why doesn't no one looking at your hardwork Chim?"

The blue haired male was frustrated and angry at the same time now clenching his fist and trying his best to supress his anger while his bestfriend, the purple haired is trying to calm him.

"Sh...calm down Tae. You know. I know that no one is gonna make me winner over the Jeon. Afterall he is a Jeon so no one will make me the winner. All are pointless."

The said boy was sad with his fate. He loved dance since a little boy and practicing it for more than 15 years. His dream is that to become a successful dancer and know by the whole world but no one is gonna give him a piece of attention if the Jeon Jungkook is there.

Park Jimin came from a middle class family which where his mother is a kindergarten teacher and father is working in a small company. Thier life is so simple and peaceful since his parents supported him with everything and even accepted him when their eldest son turned as a bisexual.

One of his dream was to study in the biggest university in Seoul and he achieved it by winning a scholarship exam by gaining the first rank position.

His bestfriend or we can even say soulmate Kim Taehyung is a rich kid who is the one and only son of the owner of Kim Company. Despite of being rich, he never saw his chim as a poor kid. For him, he was his everything and sweared to the God to protect him by any chance.

"Thankyou to all who were with me and helped me the acheive this great prize."

Jungkook's little speech made the whole audiences cheer and scream for him except two boys who were standing at the corner of the stage with sad eyes.

Why the world is always towards money? It was the only question running through Jimin's mind whenever he have to face this kind of situation.

"Congrats Jungkook. Hope you can win this award next year too. Now we are announcing the runner up of the competition which is non other than Park Jimin."

Few of the students clapped their hands but without any energy like they did to Jungkook. Only Taehyung's loud scream can be heared through the hall as Jimin walked to the stage with a faint smile in his face.

He took the medal from the principal and give a small smile to him also before climbing out of the stage to his bestfriend who have a great smile in his face.

"You did it man."

"Thankyou Tae Tae."

They smiled each other and walked out of the hall ignoring the remaining ceremony since it is evening so they have to go to home.

"Don't worry man. You will be the first next time."

"Only if that Jeon is out of picture."

"JIMIN!! WAIT...."

They stopped thier track when they heared a familiar voice which belongs to the richest kid Jeon Jungkook.

He ran to them, panting heavily like he had been just finished a marathon race.

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