The same day in the afternoon kakucho went to the brahman's hideout. He wanted to talk to senju about y/n. Kakucho waited for senju to come out of their hideout.

Senju is not wearing her gang uniform, she's wearing a school uniform.

"What do you want?" senju asked.

"Can we talk somewhere?"

Senju thinks first before answering "For what?"

"I wanted to know what happened between y/n and izana in the past" kakucho said.

"You didn't know?" -Senju

"No she didn't tell me yet" he said.

"Okay let's talk somewhere"

Kakucho and senju went to the place not that far from brahman's hideout.

Senju sighed "How do you know that I'm y/n's best friend?"

"I stalked her once and I saw her with you" kakucho answered.

"You're rokuhara's top dog right?" -Senju

"It doesn't matter if I am or not. I came here to know what happened two years ago" -Kakucho

"Why do you want to know? You like y/n?" -Senju

"So much" -Kakucho

Senju was surprised by his confession.

"Okay two years ago y/n and izana had a three years relationship. At first their relationship was okay. But in their second year of their relationship izana begun to show his true color. He cheated on y/n multiple times then y/n cheated back as her revenge."-Senju

"Then? What else?" -Kakucho

"After that their relationship became toxic. He was abusive to her, he even kill every guy who talks to y/n" -Senju

"Izana did that?" kakucho asked.

"Yeah y/n also became toxic before. I don't why she became a little bit possessive on him. But luckily her mom was there to help her daughter" -Senju

"How did you know that y/n is being abused by izana?" -Kakucho

"She had so many bruises on her neck. And I know that izana is her boyfriend during those time. Indicates that he is abusing her" senju explained.

Kakucho doesn't know how to feel.

"I told y/n  that I'm willing to wait for her to tell me about their past. But I changed my mind I had a bad feeling about their past. So I came to know it from you." -Kakucho

"You like her so much don't you?" -Senju

"Yeah" -Kakucho

"That's complicated izana is here I heard that he's close to you well that's fucked up. What a coincidence" -Senju

"So fucked up I don't know what to do about it. Izana is so close to me and.. and I love y/n."

"I can feel your sincerity towards her and I appreciate that."-Senju

"Well thanks uhm let's head out. Thanks for telling me all about them"

Kakucho and senju was about to crossed their paths. But the whole rokuhara is about to come. Senju saw takeomi, benkei, and wakasa was running coming for her.

"What the fuck are you doing? Why are you talking with this bastard?" takeomi yelled at his sister.

"We've just talked about y/n chill out" -Senju

"Oh? Looks who's coming" -Wakasa

They saw south walking like a villain they were about to approach them. Kakucho was just standing in there waiting for them to come closer. They gathered their whole members of rokuhara. And the fight is about to begin between the two gangs.

"Oh hello there old shitheads" south sarcastically said pertaining brahman executives.

"Hello there piece of shit." -Takeomi

"So you have other purpose why you wanted to talk to me huh" -Senju

"Yeah" -Kakucho

"You're dealing with me south" takeomi said.

But south just laughed on him "What a joke?"

"I'm not joking you fucker. This is for draken and Emma" -Takeomi

Takeomi was about to strike south but his members stopped him. "Fuck get of off me" takeomi exclaimed.

When the riot was about to start izana intrudes and smirked "South you're having a good time by yourself let me join"

"Much better if you want to" south replied.

Brahman executives are surprised, izana is not wearing a gang uniform but for them izana is alliance of rokuhara.

"South just recruited another dog" senju trying to offend izana.

"Look who's talking" izana laughed.

Meanwhile kisaki and hanma were just watching them far away from them.

"I bet mikey will come" -Hanma

"That's for sure" -Kisaki

After a few minutes they heard mikey's bike coming in their way. His aura is different and it's very dark.. Izana saw mikey and he also knew that he will come.

"Alright let's settle this mikey" -Izana

The riot started when ran haitani hits sanzu's head. And everyone were fighting each other.

"Not moving boss?" kokonoi asked mikey.

"I leave this with sanzu" mikey's short reply.

When benkei and wakasa turned down the other ordinary membere of rokuhara. They come closer south, both of them were fighting south to seek revenge for what he did to draken and emma.

But it turns out that south is much stronger than them. South turned down the dynamic duo.

"Mikey" izana shouted.

"I don't want to fight with someone weak like you" mikey insult izana.

"Is that an insult? Pfft hahahaha"

Mikey didn't pay attention with him and ignore izana instead. And watch the gangs fight each other.

"Ignoring me huh? How low" -Izana


Prequel: Coquettish Where stories live. Discover now