Chapter 24

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(Listen to the song while reading the chapter please ^~^)

3rd pov

Lyre didn't know what was happening. It was so dark and cold.

'Help me.' He cried curling up in a ball. He felt different but he didn't know why. Was it because he was alone? Where was Cerulean and Killian?

'Green bean' He whimpered. ' me anybody.'

"We have to go after him! Cobra!" Killian hissed at Cobra as he was being pulled away from Lyre.

He cried out. Was it even Lyre anymore? It didn't even look like his little baby. This thing was tall and boney but had massive energy to hold its power. It looked terrifying like something out of a horror movie.

" We cant help him right now! We need to find Hades because he's the only one who can help him right now Killian!" Cobra hissed back hoping that they weren't catching the attention of the only thing that could kill a god.

Killian felt broken. He just lost his brother, and now he had to leave behind his baby. "FUCK! " He punched the wall and sulked down the hallway, opposite of where the god killer was heading.

Killian didn't like this one fucking bit. Cobra frowned rushed to catch up to his friend. He didn't know what to do, but to find Hades. He didn't even know if Hades could help Lyre. Tears swelled In his eyes. He shook his head, Not the time to worry.

" We need to hurry up Kill. " He said now pulling his depressed friend.

"Cobra we've been walking forever! We need to rest!" Killian spit in anger.

Cobra just sighed and turned to his friend. " Look, I know you're tired and still mourning but we need to find Hades as soon as possible. "

"What do you want from me now?" A dark voice hissed out from behind him.

"HADES!" Killian screamed in happiness

" You have to help us!" He cried out hanging on the gods arm. Hades raised an eyebrow and looked at Cobra. Cobra sighed and rubbed his head in irritation.

" We've been through a lot in the last 24 hours. We busted in Zeus's house and used the portal and Zeus killed Cerulean which lead Lyre turning into the God Killer. "

Hades frowned and sighed " I suppose you need help turning Lyre back? "

Killian sobbed into the gods arm "Yes! I need my baby back! He came here to save you and Ambrose so the least you can do is help us!"

Hades groaned and pushed the giant man baby on to the ground. "Okay first stop acting like a little bitch Killian, What would Lyre think if he seen you right now?"

Killian nodded and stood up "Right, okay I can do that! Now what??"

Hades sighed and rubbed his temple " Considering you guys came to help me I guess I can tell you that it was a waste of time."

Cobra and Killian shared glances of confusion and looked back to the god of the underworld. " Whats that supposed to mean?" Cobra asked

" Ambrose is fine, He's sleeping in my room as we speak. "

Killian frowned and hissed " Excuse me? So my fucking brother died for no reason? Lyre fucking turned into a fucking monster for no reason? Is that what you're fucking telling me right now?" Killian stepped closer to the said god.

Cobra put his hand out to stop Killian from getting closer. " What do you mean Hades?"

Hades started walking down another path. " I'll explain on the way but lets go find lover boy yeah? Before he kills any gods. Poor kid is probably stuck in his mind all confused."

The two demi- gods followed closely behind the dark god.

"This doesn't make any fucking sense! He couldn't just disappear! " Hades yelled into the phone. Cobra and Killian were just awkwardly standing around.

" So, how you holding up?" Cobra asked the taller.

"Just as you suspect. I'm trying to face the fact that hes gone. " The taller voiced his sadness

. Cobra rubbed his back in comfort. "I know its hard, but Cerulean would of been proud of you. " Killian sucked in a breath.

" You think? I haven't even done anything besides whine and bitch since he has been gone. I hadn't realized how much I vented and confided in him. He was my other half. We did everything together."

Cobra laughed lightly. " That's true, but since Lyre came around. You've been calmer and more open with things. They wouldn't want you to drag yourself in to the ground."

Killian nodded " I know that, but I just lost my brother. I cant lose Lyre too. I know its only been a few hours but .."

" Actually, about that." Hades said. " You entered in the portal that opens in the labyrinth. "

Killian froze. " So, we've been gone longer?"

Hades sighed deeply. " Yes. Technically you've been in there for 3 weeks. Only I and few others know the ways around it. "

Time seemed to stop as the information sank into both of their heads.

" So, Lyre is missing and my brother died 3 weeks ago. Is that what you're fucking telling me?" Killian hissed out as he took a threatening step towards the dark god.

" Yes, and I'm sorry for not coming to get you sooner but Ambrose fell into a coma and he needed me. "

Cobra stood in front of the demi god so he couldn't hurt the god. "Killian, I know but right now we need Hades to help Lyre come back to himself."

He turned to Hades with the most upmost terrifying face Killian has ever seen him with. "You can help him right? Cause so help me if you cant I will fucking end you."

Killian's body shook with fear from the other. He never seen his friend this pissed before. Cobra has always been the level headed one out of the bunch.

" I can, but only if we find before he kills a god. By the way, Its probably a thing to know that Lyre isn't in my dimension anymore."

Killian stepped closer by Cobra beat him to it. "GOOD THING ?! HOW IS THAT FUCKING GOOD YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!"

Before Killian could stop him, Cobra already had his fist implanted in Hades face. He pulled him close.

" I swear to the gods if something happens to my kid Ill fucking kill you."

Just then Hades door busted down and a demon panted rushing through.

"Excuse me your highness but I have bad news!!" The demon spit out. "

" WELL WHAT IS IT!?" Hades spit out hatefully. The demon shivered In fear as he caught his breathe and looked at the three powerful beings. He contemplated on just running for his life but the next words sent the fear into the three said beings.

" Zeus is dead."

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