Chapter 2

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Have you ever wanted to punch the devil in face? Well I did. Oh right its probably best to explain. So lets take a couple of steps back. About 20 minutes ago.

~20 minutes before I punched a bitch~

* eye of the tiger plays in the background* ( my supernatural fans >:D)

I opened up the bakery silently as yesterdays events ran through my head, sighing as I remembered the little spat I had with kale. Did I feel bad? No not at all but he's my family, my best friend. So naturally I felt bad. Hearing the bell ring signaling that someone came in. I put on a smile as an older lady came to the counter with a little boy clutching her coat tightly.

" Good morning ma'am! Is there anything I can do for you today?" I say brightly.

She smiles " good morning dear my grandson loves your brownies and we happened to be by so I would like to order a bundle of them please."

I bend down to meet the cute little boy " Is there any flavor you would like cutie? "

The grandmother lightly nudged him forward, the bell rang again but I didn't bother to look up because I wanted this cutie kid to talk to me.

He mumbles lightly but clearly " chocolate chips please"

I ruffle his hair softly and shoot him a smile " with caramel drizzle right?"

His eyes seemed to brighten as he nods his little head.

" coming right up!" I stand up and head to the back to start as kale walked through, I wanted to punish him a little so I told him to finish them as I walked back to he front to ring up the cute little family.

But as I walked to the register I scowl deeply as I see the tall asshole that i ran into yesterday.

" What the hell do you want?"

He stands up straight and glares at me " You need to watch your tongue when talking to me kitten"

I laugh like full on belly laugh as he said this, " That's funny coming from the guy who tried threatened my best friend yesterday"

He narrowed his eyes and stepped closer to the counter but before he could reach me, the little boy from earlier started hitting his leg

" weave him awone !!!"

I stared in shocked and Madi started laughing " THATS GOLD."

The asshole scowled and pushed the boy away, the poor boy started crying as he fell on the floor. Before I knew it, I jumped over the counter and jumped on the asshole and as soon as we hit the floor I soccer punched him right in the face multiple times.

" OH SHIT KALE GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!! CODE 2319!!!!" Madi screamed.

The next thing I feel is being pulled off of the asshole and held up by my armpits as I glared at him.

~ back to the present ~

As I breathe heavily trying to suppress my rage the giant asshole gets up and glares at me and says something that shakes my core as he leaves.

" Watch your back kitten, you'll be mine soon"

I tried to calm my breathing as I looked to see if the cute little family was still here, far off into the corner they were seated in one of the little tables. I walked over and put a smile on my face.

I smiled down at the little boy " that was very brave" his little face turns pink from embarrassment.

I grab their order and hand it to them " its on the house"

the older lady frowns and tries to hand me the money

" please take it" She said, I shook my head

" I cannot, I apologize for the inconvenience "

she pats my head and smiles " you're a good kid, thank you"

I sigh and rub my face as they leave. Kale and Madi come up beside me and ask if I wanted to go home.

" Are you sure you can handle this place without me?" I asked softly as a headache was coming on.

Kale snorted " I'm pretty sure we'll manage ly" with a sigh and nod I headed home.

As I reached the gate to kales house I noticed a black car that looked to new to be in this neighborhood. I frown as I walk in the gate and shut it, no sooner than I get inside the car drives off. I texted kale about what had just happened and he told me to voice lock the doors.

" hey alexa voice lock the doors please." I stated loudly.

As soon as I hear the doors activate I let out a sigh of relief, going up the stairs to my room I notice that there's to many damn stairs for my fat ass to climb. I reach the top and curse kale out in my head, I stand at my door thinking about that asshole again just because he's hot doesn't mean he can do what he pleases. My tail swishes behind me as I think about the dick, he probably has a nice one. I shake my head and hit myself lightly not what I need to imagine.

" Get your shit together Lyre" I sigh and step into the shower hissing slightly as it hit my head harshly.

Frowning as I looked at my white hair, as memories come rushing back when I was bullied in school.

" You're such a freak!!"

" No one will ever be your friend!"

" You're so ugly!!"

" Disgusting!"

I sit down in the shower and hug my knees. It isn't fair, I didn't ask to be born like this. Turning the water to the hottest setting and watches as it turns my skin red, the only self harm I can get away with. Crying slightly as I watch the water run down the drain I cant help but to think what Madi and Kale would say if they ever found out that I did this to myself. Turning the water off, stepping out grabbing the towel and wrapping it around myself. As I opened the door I notice someone sitting on my bed.

" Hello kitten~"

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