Chapter 18

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recap : " Tell me more~"

Have you ever wondered what a good but bad prank would be? Well this is mine. I'm currently staring death In the face. By death I mean two really mad demi gods. Let's back track a few minutes.

~ 10 minutes earlier

I snuck into the boys bathroom and grabbed their shampoo and conditioner, i ran back to Aspens room.

"I got it!" I grinned

Aspen giggled like a mad man, Hades sighed

"You know i thought when you said a prank, we would be making out not changing their hair color."

I rolled my eyes "If you don't want to be apart of this then leave. They love their hair and I'm going to change that."

~ Back to the present

" I can't believe you would go that far Lyre. I dont even know what to say. " Killian spit out.

Cerulean hissed " I don't want to even look at you right now. "

Killian stopped cerulean from leaving the room. " Kill ,our hair! "

Killian mumbled something into his ear and cerulean looked like he wanted to cry.

" I know that, but my hair dude!"

" And he will learn not to mess with our hair after this. " Killian looked at me and hades and smirked wickedly

" So, if he wants to make us look like fools thats fine."

I frowned " wait what?"

He smiled softly " Lyre, We don't care. Plus i think this shade of pink makes me look even hotter. Isn't that right baby?~ " I looked away because I had nothing to say against that.

I dont know, but hes hot so. Shit they all are. But lord jesus. I had to be the gods favorite because one hot boyfriend is great but 2? I'm special. I must have been something great in my past because this is a gift. But I dont want them to be mad. In all honestly they deserved that prank. I glared at the floor and crossed my arms. He's right though, he looks so hot.

I must have been in my head for awhile because when I looked up I seen hades with a bright red face and scowl resting there. I tilted my head in confusion and looked at my boys to only see them attached to each others faces. Killian looked like he was eating kale. I felt my face burn. Oh god. Lord let me have the strength. I stood up and raced out the living room. Also why the fuck was hades just staring? I groaned and raced up the stairs into our bedroom. I dont even know. Feelings are confusing. Wait so.. if they were behind the killings. Does that mean those people were gods or humans? I frowned deeply. I need to find that out. Are gods and goddesses the only supernatural beings ? No because Green bean is a Titian for crying out loud. I whined and held my head as I sat on the bed. Were werewolves real? Vampires? Witches? Aliens? I snorted Aliens. I wish. I laid back and sighed. I dont know what to do. A scream came from my throat when the door busted open and hades was thrown in and the two demi gods walked through with smirks resting on their faces. They stalked through the door and reached for me.

Thank you for the new hair color~. " They said at the same time.

" Huh?" They snickered and pushed me onto the bed. " We're going to play with you now." I shiver racked my body as my eyes widen when Killian grabbed me by the throat and ripped my silk shirt off. Buttons flew across the room as I kicked Killian in the knee cap. " What are you doing?!" I hissed

Killian Grabbed Kale's face and smashed their lips together. I felt like I was watching something from a porno. I slipped from the bed and crawled to the door when a hand grabbed my leg and a deep voice reached my ear.

" And where do you think you're going little one?" Cerulean hissed

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