Chapter 3

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Sorry for the wait :( I've been having a hard time but im back now !

recap : As I opened the door I notice someone sitting on my bed. " Hello Kitten~"

My eyes narrowed as I see the very dangerous man who I'm really attracted too sit on my bed. No! No I am not.

" What the fuck do you want? How did you even get in here?!" I hissed at him lowly

. He smirked as he walked to me, I tried to back up but I was already at the wall.

" Kitten, I'll always find you. I needed to see you without your fairy squad" he stated while rolling his eyes.

Frowning " they're not gay you asshole, and you didn't have to break in to see me. You could have been normal and asked me out like a normal person you crazy head!"

He flashed a dangerous smile and rumbled out " Oh darling I'm far from normal~"

I frowned while rolling my eyes " well obviously, no normal person would break into another persons house. So clearly, you my sir. Are a psychopath. Now get out"

I smiled sweetly at him as I walked past to my dresser. Next thing I feel is myself being slammed against my dresser.

" You should mind your tongue and watch who you speak too kitten. You don't even know me little one." he whispers breathlessly in my ear.

" which is why you should leave now " A deep voice rumbles out from behind us.

" You obviously don't know Lyre either, so leave while you can your majesty" A girly voice also chimes in.

The beast scoffs and places a small slip of paper on my dresser.

" Incase you need me, little one." he whispers hotly into my ear.

A shiver racks my body as the cold hits my bare back, I spin around in time to see kale and mr.dreamy have a stare down as he walks down to the front door. Kale turns to me and picks me up hugging me tightly

" Please tell me you're okay and he didn't touch you"

Madi scoffs " if he did he wouldn't be leaving right now, I would of had him in the oven already."

A snort pushed past my lips as I pushed myself away from the ocean food.

"Go to bed you two. Goodnight." And pushed them both out of my room so I could sleep.

~The next morning

Sighing as I hear the two cows fight their way down the stairs as I pour my second cup of coffee in my coffee mug.

" Guys please it's to early to be fighting, so shut up and eat so we can go. "

Both of them grumbled but knew not to say anything back to me. As we walked to my shop we noticed a line of cop cars and SUVs racing down the road.

" Do you think it was them again?" Madi asked softly.

I narrow my eyes " Who else would kill the innocent, people like Crimson moon shouldn't be aloud to rule over us people,but sadly it happens anyways."

Kale unlocks he door and turns the tv on as the news comes on.

" Its another day for a tragic loss, as you seen behind me many people are hurt. So far all we know is this not the work of crimson moon. We don't know who was behind this tragic loss today but the question still stands. Will this continue or will someone put an end to these sad losses?"

A frown settles on my face as walk to the counter as this sickly feeling rests over me.

" Its not fair, all those people are losing their family. "

A chime rings as a customer comes through the door.

" Oh great the stalker is back. " Kale spits out.

Looking up I narrow my eyes " Order or get out I don't have the mind set to deal with your creepy ass."

A smirk falls over his face " kitten, you slammed into me last week I'm only trying to be what you called me."

A snarl rips through the air as Kale steps in front of me.

" You are not touching or even looking at him again, so I suggest you leave while you can big boy"

Madi snickers " Kale you dumbass you're huge too shut up"

I rub my temples as I sigh " What do you want me to do? Say sorry? Then fine I'm sorry, now leave."

A frown rests on his gorgeous face " I don't want an apology"

" THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT I CANT READ YOUR MIND" I scream in frustration.

A small smirk wipes across his lips " Go on a date with me"

Kale snorts " Like hell ill let that happen "

" Shut up ocean vegetable he didn't ask you. so if I agree to this, you'll leave me alone? " I ask quietly

" yes kitten, if that's what you want" he states softly

" I don't even know you're name" I scoff

" Go out with me and i'll tell you" he promises.

For some reason I can't help but to feel curious

" Fine, I close at 8 so be here by then if not I'm leaving."

A smirk graces his face as he walks out " See you later kitten."

Time skip ~

As soon as the clock read 8 sharp I locked the door and put the keys in my pocket getting ready to walk off with my two dim wits, When I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see my stalker with flowers and dressed really nice to which it brought a blush to my face. At least he knew how to dress nice.

" I waited for you to lock up, are you ready? "

I swallowed deeply and nodded and told the two to go on home. He opened a nice car door for me as I slide in the back seat and he followed after.

" So where are we heading? " I crossed my arms.

A small smile sat on his face " A surprise, and I also promised a name didn't I?"

I narrow my eyes at him " You did. So what is it?"

A dark look passed on to his face as the next few words shook me to my core. " My name is Killian. Killian Moon."

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