Chapter 666

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! warning!





Groaning as a pounding echoes in my head as I open my eyes. Looking around when my eyes adjust, all I smell is burnt flesh and smoke. Sitting up I see that half of the house is in ruble and in pieces. Panicking as I see no one by me rush to stand as a big guy stands in front of me.

" Are you Lyre?" I nod softly

" I am, wheres Killian?"

He hands me a hand

" I'm supposed to take you to the safe house its to dangerous here"

I take his hand gratefully " Is he okay?"

He nods " Mr. Moon is very powerful kid. No need to worry. Now lets go."

We step outside to only see everyone fighting and killing each other, he drags me along and into the forest. We walk for what seems like forever until we get an old looking house.

" Are you sure this is the safe house?" I look at the guy as I felt a prick in my neck.

" What the .fuck.. "

I slur my words as the world spins and I hit the ground. My vision goes black.

When I come to I cant see shit. Everything is black, except for a little light hanging off the ceiling. Groaning. This shit is getting old already. Sitting up I look around noticing a door, I get up to walk to it but it swings open. My face pales as I see the person I never wanted to see again. My Ex best friend. Casper. He smiles and walks to me

" Hello my beautiful boy."

I spit in his face " Fuck you! Let me go you psycho!" he pauses mid step and gives me a cold stare. "That's not fair snowflake, I was very nice and you go and do this."

I scoffed " Nice? You call that being nice? You're nuts Casper go get help please."

He frowns " Lyre that's no way to talk to your soulmate."

I laugh " Soulmate? I am not you're fucking soulmate. You're just a psychopath who's obsessed with me!"

He snarls and grips my hair in his hand and leans close to my face

" YOU. ARE. MINE, and you'll realize that sooner or later. I'm never letting you go my prince."

My face pales as he smirks.

" now I suggest you rest because we have a long day tomorrow "

He kisses my cheek and he shuts the door as I whip the germs off. I need to leave. Now. I look around the but its completely empty except for a worn down twin sized mattress. I sigh as I realize that I'm in a basement with no windows. Great. So the only way out is through that door which is most likely locked.

~ The next morning

I hear the door open as I watch from the corner of the room. He walks in and frowns as he notices I didn't sleep on the bed.

" Prince, you didn't sleep?"

I scoff " Like I could with a fucking nut job in the same house. "

A dark look passes over his face as he stomps over to me and man handles me onto the bed

" I'm already in bad mood so I guess I should make you learn your place right?"

My heart stops as he rips my shirt off. I scream and kick him in between the legs, he falls groaning, did I feel bad? Yes I did. We grew up together, we were really close. But he did kidnap me so I made the choice to make a run for the door but something grabs my ankle as I fall and I hiss at the pain

" You're not leaving me ever again prince. "

I start to sob as he slowly takes my pants off. I kick and scream trying to fight him off. I AM NOT LETTING THIS HAPPEN. I went to kick him in the face hopefully giving him some fucking brain cells.

The door was kicked open.

" Boss, we got a problem."

Casper stops to look at the giant who brought me here in the door way.

" what is it victor?" he hisses out still gripping tightly on my legs.

" Killian is close he's going to find us soon."

Casper sighs " I swear to god I have to do everything myself. GO DISTRACT HIM DUMB ASS. "

Victor frowns as he bows " yessir "

He leaves but I scream for him to help me.

Casper laughs " you're not going to get help here prince."

I sob harder when he slips my underwear off. He laughs as he shoves me on the bed. He goes in to kiss me but I bit his lip and he curses as I rip a chunk of skin off his lip.


I kick his face and jump up gripping his hair in my hands and slamming his face in the wall repeatedly. I watch as he passes out to rush up the stairs and straight to the front door. Slamming it open and rushing out into the cold woods not looking back as I hear yelling coming from the old house. Crying lightly trying to keep the noise down as I go deeper into the woods

please help me. I plead in my head hoping someone was trying someway to find me.

Running in between the trees trying to find my way back to Killian's house, crying because all I wanted was to see kale, I missed my best friend. I'm already done with this bullshit.

" Kale...." I try to scream but my voice is so rare it only comes out as a whisper.

Crying harder as I hear Casper's voice yell for me. Running faster then before hoping I could out run the psychopath. I JUST WANTED MY BEST FRIEND. A dark chuckle rips through the woods as I shiver as I hear the nut job gets closer


I push my legs harder as I hear Rae's voice yelling at someone


I stop to catch my breath. Smiling slightly hearing them yell at the idiot who threw their computer. Walking forward, A hand wraps around my waist I cry as I fight them off and scream at the top of my lungs hoping someone would find me.


A sharp cry is heard from behind as Casper let me go closing me eyes bracing to hit the ground but it never comes.

" You better let him go before we make you."

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