Chapter 10

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( Stephen James as Cerulean Moon aka Kale)


Recap: "Join us~"They said.

I stuttered "Excuse me?!?!?! "

The brothers snickered to themselves "Ceru, I think we broke our kitten~" Killian said amused, Kale smiled

"Well maybe we should fix him." They both grew closer with a predatory look in their eyes. I nervously laughed

"Now come on guys, I am not broken. Nope no broken kitten here!" I spun around and flew out the door and down the stairs into Rae's room.

"Baby! Help me!" I squeaked They shot up from their bed and pushed me into a nook looking place behind their wall.

"Keep quiet." Was all they said and shut the wall. I looked around in awe as I stepped in farther to only see that it had two floors and I was on the second. Hearing a few mumbled voices coming through the wall I raced down the stairs to the first floor and walked around for awhile before deciding that it was safe, picking up a book. I sat down in a little hide away book shelf and got comfy.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as I opened my eyes and yawned, rubbing my eyes. Rae looking down at me with a soft smile.

" They left, they went into town. Wont be back until later, did you like the book?" I nodded lightly sitting up.

"I did especially when Sea punched the shit out of Asher." Rae laughed

"Sea is always a favorite character of mine, theres a few other books before the series ends, youre more than welcome to come here and read whenever you wish." I gave them a great full smile as we walked to the kitchen.

"Your boys were looking for you" Madi said when we walked in. I felt het rush to my cheeks.

" My boys? "Rae and Madi died laughing

"Yes your boys dumb ass. Like they have eyes for anyone else" Rae stated. Groaning as I sat down banging my head the table.

" When did life get so weird". They both laughed harder.

"Leave the poor kid alone."

"GREEN BEAN!!" I shot up and threw myself onto him, he caught me easily and held me tightly.

" Shhh, Green bean got you" He rubbed my back as I yawned softly.

" Seems like youre stealing my boyfriend too." Madi said amusingly. I stuck my tongue out at her and buried my face deeper into his neck. They all chuckled softly.

"We should watch a movie" Rae said softly

"Like what?" I asked

"well anything, you name it and I can get it." They said smugly I narrowed my eyes.

"People like you is why I don't post everything on the internet, you terrify me." They snorted as we sat down in the living room.

" So what movie?" I hummed

" I want to watch the princess and the pauper" Green bean groaned

"Out of all the movies that one?" We all shushed him as the movie started.

We all sang even green bean to the movie " If you love me forrrr meeeee~"

Munching on popcorn and giggling as we sing the next song "I know I have a friend forverrrr~"

We all snort and laugh in pure happiness.

" Destiny is written in your heart.~"

" To be a princess is to look your bestttt" green bean started singing and we all started dying.

"Complained about the movie but yet sings along to it!!!" I died

I looked at Rae "Ill remain forever loyal~ "

They sung back "Ill repay my parents debt~"

Green bean butts in with a " Ive been lying like a rug."

he pauses and dramatically stands and paces " NO! I WONT LET GO! THIS PEASENT SON WONT TURN AND RUN BECAUSE SOME RECKLESS ROYAL CHOSE ANOTHER BEAU!! "He frowns and then continues " Ah... its ...a temporary set back. Its a moment lapse but conveniently my ego doesn't bruise, and the moment that i get back i will show them whos the boss! You can bet your bullion there will be no i dos !~" He sat down with a breathy laugh as we all clap at his performance. I yawned as the movie ended.

" I think ill go take a shower and to bed"

Everyone nodded " Goodnight Lyre" They all said, i waved as walked up the stairs and into the shower. I frown as i think about my bakery. I should probably go tomorrow its been awhile. Turning the water on and stepping into it i shut my eyes off at the stinging sensation. I deserve it. Im a freak. I pull on my hair and cried softly. Its not fair. Someone help me. I just want to be normal. I don't want this stupid hair color.. Turning off the water and stepping into one of kills shirts i walk out of the bathroom. Frowning as i see a balcony i step outside. Ive never seen this before. Feeling overwhelmed i sit down and glance out into the woods. Sighing softly, will i ever get rid of these things? Is this why they like me? I mean you don't find someone with snow white hair. What if it is? I shake my head and scoff, Stupid. They don't love me for only that reason. Right?.. I start to hum a song i wrote. Its a coping habit of mine i guess. Getting lost into tune i don't realize i started to sing.

" A mask worn by day, gets heavy by nights end. Will this ever end? This façade i wear ? "I hum as i end it. What i wasn't excepting was clapping. I spun around and glared at the two waffle makers.

" What are you doing here? Don't you have your own room?" Killian laughed as he stepped closer "Kitten, this is my room" He says smugly. Frowning as i look around to only see he was speaking the truth. NO wonder why i didn't notice the balcony before. I turn to face him only to see Kale lock the door. I blink in confusion as they stalk closer. Kale shoving the key down his pants.

"you cant run from us this time~ "

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