Chapter 10

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"you fucking what?" Jin hyung screamed as jungkook just shrugged.

"I said, I am Getting married. It's a father's order"

Others looked at each other and on the time Ias also came smoking a cigarette. Everyone looked at her and then at jk.

"what?" Ias asked.

"you heard what he said?" rm bit his lips waiting for an outburst which never came.


"you aren't going to say anything? I mean he's your mate afterall" Ias just blew a smoke away and looked at jk with half lidded eyes.

"I ain't holding him. He can do anything he likes and want. I am not accepting him as my mate anyway. I rather die alone pft.." she shrugged as others gasphed. Jk felt hurt but he somehow managed to remain cool.

"she's right. We can't be together. So I said yes to my father. I need a luna for my future pack.." others looked so sad cuz they knew a destinied bond can't be broken but ignored. And that hurts like bitch for normal wolves. But is it goes different with true bloods and purebloods?

"oh God... At least you got your morals for fuck sake. Now I can end things here and go back..." Ias threw her head back on the couch sighing heavily. But the thing is the sigh wasn't a releaved one but a stressed and depressed one. But no one noticed it. Transparent tears fell from her eyes without anyone noticing. She sucked a smoke and blew it from her nose.

"so.. You guys done? For real. I mean... I.."

"stop rambling hyung... Yes we're. I will be leaving withing next week. I have some final search to do in rogue territory and then I am done.." Ias stood from her seat and left to her room leaving 3 men behind.
Jin gritted his teeth. He went to jk. And slapped him slightly.

"you dumb idiot. Why the fuck you said yes to your damn father. You should have wait for her to realize herself. Why have you done that huh?" he shook him from his colour jk just stared at his eyes as rm gave him a disappointed gaze before leaving.

Jin pushed him backwards and left the face.

After sometimes he also left to his room.

(meanwhile Ias)

After she left the living room, she straightly ran to the forest shifting to her wolf. Her wolf ran and ran and ran..... Only to stop, when she came to a riverbank.

She fell flat on the ground howling. The howl. Was filled with sadness and sorrow like her heart shattered into pieces.

(her wolf take over human)

Dygon stop..

How can I.. Our mate is going to get married with someone who's not us.

So... Are you telling me to cry like a bitch?

And are you telling me to. Laugh you mother fucker. I am not heartless like you. I want my mate for fuck sake... Stop being a arrogant dick Ias.

But you are me.. So same heart bitch.. You think I don't care? I care too you dipshit, but mates aren't our thing. I can't have a weakness for fuck sake and cry like you..

Will you come out of your own selfish pride shell for once. You're fooling yourself Ias. You need him but you keep denying. Don't be a puppet to your father Ias. He's using you. I kept silent for this far. But not anymore. I am not going to let you work on your own selfish way. Keep your titts down bitch...

Fuck it Dygon.. You know who you really are. We aren't meant to be happy. We're monsters Dygon. Let's just live like how we were..

And watch our mate getting married to a bitch out there. No way... Suck your own dick bitch... I want my mate for God sake and accept your damn submissive self to his damn wolf you overhead Alpha..and we aren't monsters. She is.."

Shut up Dygon... She's not. S-he did she thought r-right. We will be leaving soon so... Grip yourself up

No we can't. I need my mate Ias. I am yearning for him. I will be a living dead without my other half... Ias plz....

(Dygon started crying for first time. The true blood cried because of her mate... She needs her mate to take care of her afterall. She's tired as well as Ias too. But she's more depressed than Dygon. So she can't think straight sometimes.)

Ias cut her wolf and took the control.

She went back with a heavy heart. She went to the basement and started practicing as she can't hunt randomly in other pack rather than hers...

She want to see blood and that's why now her hands are completely covered with her own blood. But she needed more... There was only thing came to her mind.. Or is it only hers?

She went to her room and closed her door. Giving up in herself.... Yes herself..

After she was done.
She felt satisfyed. it and made her calm...
She needs to submit but she can't get along with the idea of her being with someone. She used be alone afterall.

There are fears that can't get away....

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