The tale of the forest

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Submitted for approval of the midnight society
I call this the tale of the forest

There are always used to be a forest dark and scary like in Snow White that brought upon your fears if you walked into it at the end of my property when I was a kid. I never dared to go into the forest alone I ended up taking my niece and nephew who were the same age as me at the time Nathan and Sarah and we want to go into the forest during the Thanksgiving holidays. As we walked in the forest at night we saw things that were not supposed to be seen by humanize or allies of any species on this planet there were some very disturbing things. Rumours of gateways of hell. Gateways to other dimensions as well as wendigo and other cryptid's. As we went deeper in the forest we saw a emaciated looking figure with no head it looks like siren head but without a head. Instead I had it done for my neck and that was it it was going to go after us and had gangly arms and legs they were longer than his torso like siren head only this one didn't have a head at all it's a staff garage for a long time. But we managed to get out of the forest. Only to hear screaming of this particular figure or Cryptid.

As we were looking at Nathan's superhero card collection trading card collection we could hear the starting on the window and seeing the emaciated hands of the cryptid South going after us as we were just trying to innocently look at superhero trading cards. So my brother had to deal with us and he ended up disappearing from the family home is where the scripted headless man I just called was very scary and very hungry for human flesh and blood if not just for a freaking banana. He was at hungry Elva Cryptid. As most Cryptids are hungry for flash me and pro Tien there's one also eight vegetables as well but instead of vegetables this day it was at October there was no visitation so he ended up eating the family dog as well as my brother disappeared from Finnair soon it was just time to say that he was eaten by headless man as we called him.
So whenever you visit my old house in 18 Harold St. make sure that you be aware of the forest that's around it'll bring your fears right around into reality you're worse and darkest fears. And if you don't play your cards right you end up with my brother and my family dog who went missing. There been sightings of headless man in Almonte for many years after that but never again did anyone survive the sightings.

The end

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