The tale of the owl

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Submitted for approval of the midnight society
I call this the tale of the owl

Lisa did not expect anything different from an owl especially when she was meeting our friends in the mi'k ma  territory of eastern Canada.. Lee show was always interested in owls she didn't think anything of them as evil. But the mi'k ma they were tricksters and soul steals.   She want Camping with a friend Lisa Long e who is going to be teaching her the calls or and everything when she heard a hoot hoot. That was for my owl when she realized that he was hearing owls all over the forest she was very intrigued as she was always one for owls butter friend said no they caused a lot of problems they are fixtures of plagiarizer stuff that'll take your soul and take your wisdom be very aware.
Leisure was scared that the hooting sounds were from people that were going to haunt her or take her sole away as they were not animals in that called her but parallel to humans and spirits. The animal the I will kept hooting to the other owls hoot hoot hoot.  
She couldn't go to sleep he was afraid that her soul and wisdom and knowledge was gonna be stolen right away. She may not be indigenous but she did believe in mythology he was always interested in urban and traditional mythologies anything from Sirenhead of the wendigo to Zeus she believed In it.  
It going to the point where she decided she was going to explore the forest and face the fear of losing her knowledge wisdom and also her strolle at the risk of it all by going out of the tent to go looking at the owls she's found one star one in the face then she felt something being sucked out of her as he owls was looking right into her eyes.  
But not trust it in her eyes but right through her shoe and took her soul that's where the sucking sound in the sucking feeling came from. She fell land and she was just a shadow of her self as her knowledge from school and life her wisdom and always gone and soul too. The language of life was gone. She was just a zombie at this point.
Yo see the friend how to get the shaman to help do a spell to undo the owls curse of stealing souls and knowledge and wisdom. But it was too late Lisa's everything was gone that was Saul and knowledge and wisdom related was gone he was just a zombie.
She was bound to walk the floor as among the owls taking the souls and wisdom of other people is you're being possessed by the owls.
But her friend and not give up on her but was scared of her stare as her stare was going to suck the life right out of her the soul and knowledge and wisdom. She did not want that and had to wear a talisman whenever she tried to go in the forest a friend Lisa. When Lisa came back as a zombie she ended up taking the souls of many people as well as their knowledge and wisdom. It was a massacre beyond belief there was a very zombie who was possessed by an owl demon. She was stark as a zombie and was bound to walk the forest it's thirsty and hungry for souls and knowledge and wisdom.
Laugh this video last and then if you see an owl in Canada do be aware if you are in mi'k ma territory you'll end up suffering deeply.

The end

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