The tale of the girl in the mirror

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Submitted for approval of the midnight society: I call this the tale of the girl in the mirror

Lilly had two weakness as a teenager Ty stuffed animals and boys.  She never really liked her kid sister and tried everything from ignoring to fighting her. For Lilly was the oldest and had to have more responsibility with little allowance.   This creesed her to no end.  Who did Jenny think she was the present of the United States..... she was going to teach that brat a lession that she would never forget.

She went to a new age shop that was everything from spells to hoodoo books and crystals.   You want to deal with voodoo as that is the lesser of too evils hoodoo was pure evil.  She bought a book on hoodoo spells.  She tried every one to mentally and physically torture Jenny. Someone who she saw was the cause of her problems.  Then when she was at the end of the spell book.  There was a spell that would entrap someone in your mirror forever and eons. 

She invited Jenny to her room told her to look at the mirror and the Lilly muttered the spell with incense in the air and the mirror turned into a toy store and then she went to the store.  She selected i doll when she went to get her sister Lilly.  She saw that she was in a void dark abyss while Lilly in her room belly laughing and pointing as if something was funny.

Jenny banged on the glass but soon she started to get weaker and skinnier as she was starving and emaciated for her time in the mirror.  Soon Jenny wasted way into thin more responsibility not crappy allowance.

It took month for Lilly's parents to wonder where the youngest went.   Little did they know that their youngest was in the land of the dead the abyss as a ghost. 

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