The tale of the woman who saw sirenhead

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Submitted for approval of the midnight society

I call this tale the tale of the woman who Sirenhead

(This is based on my true story)

One day at work the boss  took me aside telling me that my father..... the first hero and boss in my life was having a stroke and that he wouldn't make it. 

"Permission to swear?" I said knowing this was the time to swear, gripe and moan. " @&*$!!!" I said when they said you you may swear.   But swearing wasn't enough.......I had to get out.

I know there was a nice nature path and pond that I wanted to try.  So I ended up going there excepting just to see nature near my hometown of Almonte.  I went on the trail got to the pond..... the pond wasn't as spectacular as I thought compared to the trees.  Above the trees I saw what looked like a pole with sirens on opposite sides. Sirenhead.  He was stand deathly still, some knucklehead wouldn't even notice or think twice about what I saw.  By I did.

"What the......." I said.  But my smartphone was in the car charging so I couldn't get a picture.  That was one my way home.     This wasn't something that you see at all with out the aid of the internet or YouTube.   I drove fast trying not to be eaten when I came back to the small small I live in.  I walked into the house.

As I was on my patio eating a delicious but sad dinner I ended up hear the mysterious and tell tale sirens that meant that Sirenhead was hungry and angry looking for food or something to torment.  I went back in because the sound was making my ears bleed and giving me a headache.   I went into rinsed and put my plate in the dishwasher and sat in the corner, trying ti figure out what the heck happened today.

Deep breath in and out

But my headache persisted.  I was going to be next as I went into his territory.

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