She smacked the door with her hands again giggling at the sound it was making.

Meanwhile _____ was tickling Kenji and Kyori to get them off her bed as they laughed loudly.

"Bababa.." Kyoko smacked her hands again laughing before the door opened suddenly causing her to fall on her butt again.

She saw legs and looked up seeing her father holding a phone to his ear. But all she did was giggle reaching up for him.

Katsuki looked down seeing her as he sighs.

"I'll get back to you on that..bye." Katsuki said hanging up the phone as he bent down picking her up.

"What are you doing here? Weren't you suppose to be with mommy?" Katsuki asked while pointing his finger at her as she giggled trying to bite it.

Katsuki heard the boys laughter as he walked into the master bedroom to find the boys and _____ together all messing around.

"Papa!" Kyori cheered as Kenji smiles wide at him.

"I think you lost this one." Katsuki said smiling at ______ as Kyoko giggles at her.

"Mhmm sorry, my husbands too busy to help me with our kids." She teased.

Katsuki smirked walking to her as he bent to meet her face.

"Well.. you should really tell him to be a better man." He joked back.

She smiled and kissed his lips as Kyoko leans her head to theres wanting kisses too.

Katsuki and ______ smile at her before kissing her cheek.

"Alright, that's enough play time you two, go be good and finish your homework. Then maybe we can all watch a movie if dads up for it?" _____ suggested.


"Yaya movie!!"

Katsuki looked at her nervously.

"I..uh.. I have another meeting that'll last a couple hours..i don't-" he just saw her death glare causing him to switch up as he looked at the boys smiling.

"Ya why not. Go do your homework." Katsuki said as the boys ran off leaving the three in the room.

Kyoko played with his hair as ______ fixed the bed.

"Babe, I know I'm not 100% here but I swear it'll get better. I mean I'm taking meetings at home! That's better then being at the agency, farther away from you guys right?" Katsuki said watching her.

"...I know you're excited about the new agency and all that. I'm proud of you too but i don't want you to miss out on the kids.." she said walking back to him.

"I won't-"

"They love you so much." _____ said placing a hand to his cheek. "..and they're growing up way too fast..And they're going to need their father. The boys hardly listen to me. They fight all the time. I can't do this all without let Static take over for a while okay? Cant you guys go back and forth on command?" She asked.

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