Chapter twenty one - Chris is ecstatic

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The first trimester of my pregnancy were just plain horrible! I was constantly exhausted, I had no strength and had to take minimum one nap per day. Tom and his brothers were always making fun of me because they couldn't understand how I could be that tired while sleeping that much! But they could see I wasn't being a drama queen, I was like a real zombie and wasn't acting at all! Sometimes the nausea was so bad that it made me cry. Tom was always taking care after me, he almost felt guilty sometimes, like it was his fault if I had to go through all that! 

At the end of May, Tom has to leave for the European Championship in Eindhoven. I was supposed to go with him, but the morning we were supposed to leave, I was so sick. I didn't really sleep all night because I felt so bad. And when Tom wakes up, he finds me seated on the bed, breathing deeply and trying not to throw up.

"Morning Love" He says

"Mmmh" was all I could answer. He stroked my back gently, still lying on the bed and me sitting.

"You're not doing any better today?"


"You are white as a sheet, come here" he says

"I'm scared to move" So he sits up, hugs me from behind and lays his head on my back. I start crying.

"Shh, no baby, don't cry. What can I do for you? Do you need some medicine? Do you want to try to eat something? Drink something? Tell me, I'll do anything" He tells me... always a cutie...

"I don't want anything. I'm sorry to make a scene like that all the time. I don't want to act like a drama queen or anything"

"I know that, honestly, love, I know"

"And I know you have more important things in your mind today"

"Look at me. Why do you say that? You know there is nothing more important for me than you and this baby, today or any other days, ok? And I don't think of you like a drama queen. I obviously don't know what it's like to be pregnant but I've read that the 1st trimester is tough, so I get it"

"Than you"

"Don't cry like that"

"But I'm also crying because I think I can't go with you to Eindhoven. I wanted to go so badly. I know it's an important competition; I wanted to cheer on you, support you and be there for you."

"Don’t worry about that, it’s only a competition. I can see that you are really weak and traveling might not be a good idea right now. You need some rest and flying on a plane and being stuck in a hot swimming pool are not going to help you."

"But that means that I’ll miss your birthday as well"

"It’s only a birthday, there’s one every year, and nothing is planed yet"

"But it’s your first birthday since we are together"

"I know, but we’ll have plenty of others. And we can do something here after I get back. And if by then you still want to stay in bed because you’re tired or not well, then my best gift would be to take care of you, and stay in bed all day… just with you. We’ll watch tv, whatever you want to watch, for hours, I’ll give you some massages, I’ll paint your nails, I’ll make you some nice chocolate milk, you’ll make me laugh like you always do, you’ll sleep on my chest while I’ll be playing with your hair,… doesn’t it sound like a great birthday?"

"It does sound nice indeed"

"See. No need to go partying or celebrate it on the right day somewhere in Eindhoven you know!"

"You always find the right words to make me smile even when I’m at my lowest"

"I’m trying anyway!"

So once again I had to watch the competition from home and I hated that! Tom won easily the individual event. And because of the hormones I couldn't stop myself from crying like a baby! Tom was European Champion, how cool was that? Usually, after a competition like that, he always go straight to the journalists and to Andy, his coach. But this time, right the second when I understand that he won, he grabs his phone and call me. I was so proud and happy. 

The following month we are heading to Sheffield for a competition. We are in the car with Tonia, Tom and Sarah. On our way, we have to pick Chris up. Sarah is behind the steering wheel, Tonia is next to her, Tom is seated on the back seat, leaning against the car door, and I am leaning against Tom and we are both facing Chris who is the also on the backseat. And we have a surprise for Chris. So the second Chris gets in the car, Tonia points a video camera to Chris' face

"Guys, didn't you have a question for Chris?" Tonia asks

"What are you going to ask me again? And what are you doing with that camera, Tonia?" asks Chris

"Oh, nothing, munchkin, just trying to keep some memories from this trip and competition"

"So, I guess I'll do the talking?" I ask Tom

"Well, we can't deny you love to talk, right? So, go ahead"

"Ok, so Chris... Without a doubt, you are my best friend, and I believe you're Tom's as well. I love you so much I could die for you. And I'm sure you'd do the same for either Tom or me."

"Ok, yes it's true. I don't really understand where you're going there, but yeah..." Chris says being a little confused on what was going on

"You're the reason for Tom and me being together, that's as simple as that. If I haven't met you, I would never have met Tom, I would never have been this happy and I would never have lived all the great things I’ve lived since then. I owe you a big part of my happiness. I’ve been so lucky to know you, to have you as my best friend. I know you will always be there for me, I know I can count on you for anything, anytime, anywhere. I love you so so much, so as to show our love and gratitude towards you, we would like you to accept to be our baby’s godfather."

"No, you’re not! Are you serious?" Chris asks

"Ahah, that’s exactly the reaction he had when I told him I was pregnant! Yes we’re serious! We both know that you’ll be great with the baby, you’ll take care of it as well as you take care of me, you’ll love it as much as you love us. What do you think?... just say something! You don’t have to agree you know… but you have to respond something!"

"I have to respond something?! Do you both really believe I could say no to that? It’s brilliant! I’d love to be your baby’s godfather, absolutely!" he says and then hugs us both

"Say it!" I'm asking him, knowing he'll understand what I mean by that

"I’m ecstatic!"

"Yeah!" For some reason, I’ve always loved when Chris says that. It’s a word he uses all the time, it’s like his signature, a little bit like Tom with the word “brilliant”. 

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