Chapter Thirteen - Tom's power nap

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I go spend a weekend at Debbie's. Tom is really tired because he went out the day before with his friends Nikita, Sophie and Sam and he got woken up by the neigboors' dog during the nigh. We are in his bedroom with Will who's watching TV (Because Tom's TV is bigger). We are the 3 of us sitting on Tom's bed, I'm on my laptop and we're all talking about random stuff but I can see that Tom is slowly falling asleep. 

"Will, you have to get out. I need to have a power nap" Tom says

"What the fuck, bro?! I’m watching football!" Says Will

"A power nap? You can’t be serious?" I say

"What is wrong with a power nap?" Tom asks

"You’re always making fun of people taking naps!" I say

"But that’s a POWER nap"

"That-t’s just an excuse to sleep in the middle of the afternoon, babe!" I say

"Whatever. Will, you’re always too loud when you watch a game; I won’t be able to sleep. And I need to sleep to survive tonight’s dinner with Uncle Jamie!"

"You lazy git! Just go sleep in mom’s room!"

"Look, you’re in my room; I want to sleep and I can’t do it if you scream every 2 minutes so piss off!"

"But I can’t watch that channel on my TV!"

"Just record it!"

"Do I also have to leave or…?" I ask sarcastically.

"Of course not, as long as you're being quiet. But Will, I know you won’t be, so piss off, now"

"You’re a pain in the ass, you douchebag"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." (Will leaves, Tom tries to fall asleep, and I’m still on my computer)

"Mon Coeur, is it on the 28th or the 29th that we’re going to Southend?" I ask

"…" he doesn't answer



"When are we going to Southend? Because Brooke and Tonia are doing a girl’s night on the 28th"

"On the 29th" he mumbles

"Ok thanks"


"Do you have to make that much noise when you’re typing?" He asks me a few seconds later

"Rooh, Tom. Do not exaggerate! I’m being quiet. Continue your « power nap » and stop complaining!"


"Lou?" I ask again



"I-I follow, I follow you, deep see" I start singing

"OUT!" He says firmly, pointing at the door

"What?" I ask him laughing!

"Out! Get out!"

"Are you serious?" I'm still laughing at his childish reaction

"I’m darn serious!"

"Ouh la la, what a ball breaker!" I say before exiting the room and I see Will in his bedroom with his door open

"Did he also kick you out?" Will asks

"Yep… my dear little Willzy, what do you think about making him pay for that?"

"Ooouuuh, keep talking dirty to me"

"Ahaha! You deranged wanker"

"You spend way too much time with me… watch your language babe!" Will says

"Joking aside, do you have any ideas of what we could do? A funny prank or something?"

That's how we decided to poor salt in Tom's bottle of coke and to replace Oreo's cream by toothpaste. Tom wakes up and goes to the kitchen where both Will and I are talking, looking from the corner of our eyes Tom to to see if he will fall into the trap. And sure enough, after a few minutes, we watch Tom bringing the bottle of coke to his lips. He swallow a huge sip before wincing in disgust. To get over that horrible taste, he jumps on the Oreos that were just next to him and put 2 of those in his mouth before realizing that they were also a part of the joke! 

"I'm gonna kill you both!" Tom said, spitting everything in the sink, and trying not to throw everything up. "What did I do to derserve a brother and a girlfriend that are both so stupid and crazy?! Seriously?" 

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