Chapter twenty-three - Love at 1st sight again

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We're the 8th of July and today, it's our first year anniversary. Tom wakes up before me and go take a shower to get his blood pumping. I decide to stay a little longer in bed. I'm still suffering from morning sickness, so I usually eat crackers in bed before standing up which is supposed to help the nausea. But this time, I just fell back asleep after.

"Wake up love", Tom says sitting on the bed. With the softest voice, he continues: "Come on, you can do it. Open your eyes". I open my eyes and find Tom with a big genuine smile, holding a cupcake with one candle on it. "Happy anniversary my love!"

"Aaaw. Lou, you’re the cutest! Happy anniversary too. Do we blow it together?"

"Yep, and don’t forget to make a wish". He says before we blow it.

"I love you, Lou"

" love you, Boo!" He says, knowing how cheesy we sounded. But we didn't care."Here, eat it, but don’t fall back asleep after! I’ll be downstairs ok? And hurry a little; we’re going to be late for work!" Tom says.

I've been working for the Plymouth Life Center and the Team GB for 3 months now. It was perfect for us because it meant that I was working at the same location as Tom. We could run into each other in the hallways, he could pop up in my office between training sessions, we could have lunch together, and the job was really amazing as well. 

That day was pretty special to us. First of all, yes, it was our anniversary, but it was also the day of my first ultrasound. I'm 2 months pregnant and we are really exited to see our baby. During the appointment, Tom starts realizing that there is a baby in there, especially when we hear the heartbeat. He is a little overwhelmed, and I can see in his eyes that he is hesitating between crying tears of joy or start panicking! But then he calms down a little and we can definitely see how happy and proud he is. We get in the car, we start messing around like kids. We have to go pick up Will and Ben at their rugby practice on the way home.

"How was practice ?" Tom asks them when they squeeze on the backseat. 

"Good, except that I had to run a few laps because I was talking too much", says Ben

"How surprising", I say, knowing how talkative and unfocused Ben can be sometimes.

"What took you so long?" Asks Will, obviously in a grumpy mood

"We went to the obstetrician", says Tom

"Eww, don’t talk about that", says Ben with disgust

"Ben, come on, that’s just a doctor, and there is nothing gross about it". Says Tom

"Not yet anyway", I say, smiling at the boys’ reaction.  "Do you want to see the pictures?"

"Sure, hand them over", says Will

"It just looks like a potato", says Ben

"You’re the one who look like a potato", says Tom

"Boys! Come on. Act your age for once!" I say

"He just said our baby looks like a potato, do you really expect me to say nothing?"

"Hush, Ben, look, on that one, you can see its head," I say

"Oh yeah!"

"I definitely need to post that on the Internet", says Tom.

"We should wait the 3 months stage. I think it’s too early" I tell him

"Why do you have to wait 3 months?" asks Will

"Well, the 1st trimester is the most risky one. After the 3rd month, there is less chances of miscarriage and things like that. So most people wait that time before announcing it to everyone." I explain

"But, the doctor said everything was perfect" Tom says

"I know, but it doesn’t mean anything. Crap happens. What if you tell the world that we are expecting and then we lose the baby? Everybody will bring that up all the time"

"Don’t be so dramatic. I’m positive you’ll bring that baby to term. I know it, I feel it"

"With your 6th sense I suppose?" I said smiling

Later that day, I see Tom, laying on his bed, staring at the pictures from the ultrasound.

"You really do want to post them on Twitter, don't you?" I ask him

"Yes! I just want to scream it to everybody! I'm dying to tell we're having a baby!"

"Aaarh, fine! But if you get hundreds of crazy fans sending you messages saying they're about to commit suicide because they are heart broken, that's your problem, ok?"

He doesn't answer anything, he just smiles and jumps on his laptop. He post a picture of him holding and pointing at the little black and white ultrasound picture and wrote "1 year ago, I fell in love with a girl, and today, I experienced love at 1st sight again..." 

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