Chapter twenty-four - Almost the Olympics!

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The Olympic Games are just around the corner now and Tom can't stop talking about them. 

On July 11th, Tom leaves for the pre-olympic training camp in Southend. On the 25th, he'll go to the Olympic Village in London. I can join the Team GB in Southend, but when they'll enter the Village, unfortunately, that would be the time for me to say goodbye, go back to Plymouth and let them focus on the most important competition of their life. But of course, I'll be back to support them on their special days. 

So, the last night we got to spend together in Southend is a little weird for us. We are so exited, nervous, ready and tired at the same time,... it's just a strange feeling. We are in the kitchen of our shared apartment. I'm sitting in Tom's laps facing him, looking in his eyes and playing with his hair.

"Why do you look at me like that?", he asks

"I’m nervous."

"Are you? Why?"

"I have the feeling you have way too much pressure upon your shoulders. Everyone expects you to win a medal. I don’t want you to feel like a loser if you don’t. I can see how nervous and scared you’ve been lately. I want you to know that whatever happens, we will all be so proud of you. Even if you don’t make it to the final, or if you’re not on the podium, or if you have to pull out of the competition for whatever reason."

"Don’t talk like that, it’s gonna bring rotten luck!" he says

"It won’t. Listen to me! All I want for these Olympic Games is that you have the time of your life, that you dive the best you can, and most importantly, that you dive safely, ok? I don’t want you to think that you have to do well for your dad, or your country, or your family. Dive for you, enjoy it. Do not let the pressure overwhelms you. Everything is not about winning a medal even if I know that right now, you probably think like it does. You think you’ve trained all your life for this competition, and that your entire life is revolving around those Olympic Games. But no matter what, in a few days, you’ll be experiencing the Olympics again. You need to have fun, open your eyes and keep as many memories as you can ok?"

"I’m not sure if you are stressing me even more or if you are calming me down."

"Oh no! I don’t want to stress you! But you know what I mean. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. I’ll be proud of you and still love you even if you are the last one on the results board, you know that?"

"I do, but I won’t end up last!"

"I know you won’t! It’s a way of talking, Lou. Everyone wants you to win and would be disappointed if you don’t, the Britain crowd, your coaches, Alexei, your fans, the team GB… I won’t be, okay? I am already so proud of you right now and I can’t believe you’re going to compete for the Olympic Games next week!"

"I don’t want you to leave tomorrow." He whispers, placing his chin in the hollow of my neck.

"I know. I don’t want it either. But you have to stay focus on what is important right now for you."

"You are important for me, right now, all the time"

"Shh. You need to focus, and practice and I can’t be under your feet and distract you. And I’m leaving for only a few days. In 5 days, I’ll be back and I’ll watch you dive with Pete and you’ll be amazing!"

"I know it’s only 5 days but it always feels so long when you’re not around. And it scares me to know that the night before the competition; you will not be in my bed, trying to calm me down, like you always do."

"Aaw mon Coeur. I love you so much."

"Do you promise me to watch the opening ceremony?"

"Of course I'll watch! And I’ll try to spot you!"

"Sorry guys", says Chris coming into the kitchen. "I just need something to drink"

"Don’t apologize. And we were heading to bed anyway. Come on, missis." Tom says

"Good night Chris", I said hugging him.

"Good night", Chris says. "When are you heading back to Plymouth?"

"Tomorrow morning. I have to be at the train station at 7 o’clock."

"Ok. You’ll come and cheer me on, right?"

"Of course, on the 1st of august, don’t worry! And remember, one dive and you’re an Olympian! Just one, that’s all it takes!" I tell Chris cracking a big smile.

"Yep, I can’t wait."

"Take care Chris and have fun!"

The following morning, the alarm clock goes off really early. Tom is still in bed, and I'm getting ready to leave. When I'm about to leave the room, I take a look at Tom who is peacefully asleep.

"Are you asleep?" I whisper. Without opening his eye, he holds out his arms for me to come closer, his head still buried in his pillow. I kneel down next to the bed and hug him. He squeezes me tight. We stay like that a few minutes, stroking each other’s’ back. 

"Is it time ?" He asks


"I’ll miss you."

"Me too. Be good and see you in 5 days."

"I love you. Take care of yourself and our baby"

"I love you too, so much. Try to go back to sleep now." I say before planting a kiss on his forehead and getting out the room on my tip toes. 

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