Chapter twelve - Truth or dare

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I found an apartment where I'll be able to move into in January. I really am happy, especially when Tom  gives me to understand that, if that's what I want, that apartment could be "our apartment". Just the fact to imagine us moving in together gives me butterflies in my stomach! To celebrate this, we go out for a bite with Chris, Tonia and Jack. We decide to continue the night at a local bar, but we soon start to feel that we'll go off the rails, so Tonia invites us all at her place. Usually, when they're in the middle of the diving season, they can't really drink alcohol, but as long as no one see them, they're fine! And it was saturday night, so even if they're hangover the following day, it would be on Sunday, and they'll have the entire day to feel better before Monday's session. 

This chapter gets a little cheeky. So for the ones of you that don't really like that or don't like it when there's TMI, just go ahead and read the next chapter, you won't miss any important parts. 

We drink like fishes, dance, laugh,... We start playing "Never have I ever", but alcohol helping, I couldn't ever say that sentence properly, so the others couldn't ever understand if I wanted to say that I've already done something or that I've never done it! We pair up with Tonia to force the boys to drink a lot more, but of course, they try to do the same with us. Then we play truth or dare. One of Jack's dare was to get naked before stepping into the tiny tiny elevator. Then he had only the time of the way down to try to put on as many clothes as possible because when he'll reach the ground floor, he'll have to run outside with only the clothes he managed the put on in the elevator. With all the alcohol he drank and the size of that lift, it was really tricky! We wouldn't have miss to see that for the world, so Chris, Tonia, Tom and I, decide to run down by the stairs to see Jack runs in the street half naked. Tom managed to tumble down the stairs, but he picks himself up laughing, so we don't really pay too much attention to that, and we hurry to see Jack. We laugh our butts off when we see him getting out ot  the lift, only wearing a t-shirt and 1 sock! We never understood why he didn't start with putting his boxer on rather than a t-shirt! But then, Tom's leg start to hurt him too much, and we have to admit, we're getting tired to move out butts for dares.

"Ok, no more dare, just truths. But then it has to get really embarassing!" Says Chris

"So surprising, coming from you! But watch out, because I know a lot about you, Mears!" I say

"Woohoo, it’s gonna get interesting! Val, compare both Chris and Tom!" Says Tonia

"Noo, I can’t do that!"

"Yeah you can, and you HAVE to, it’s your truth." says Jack

"Fine! What do you want to know?"

"Well, everything, obviously!" Says Tonia. "Who is the best in bed?"

"I can’t compare that! Especially because I’ve been with Tom for 4 times longer than with Chris. And they are really different!"

"More details! Who has the biggest one?" She asks

"Chris of course. Oh God, why did I say “of course”?! I didn't mean that! They’re pretty similar to be honest but if we want to be really picky, Chris has one that is slightly bigger."

"I knew it! No offense Tom!" Screams Tonia. "And orgasm speaking?... with that smile on your face, I’m sure you know!"

"The best orgasm in my entire life was with Chris because I’ve never experience something that intense before. It was surreal"

"Yeah, I remember that! Her whole body was shaking for minutes" says Chris

"Would you shut up?! Yes, it’s true, BUT, with Tom, I get an orgasm every single time, which I didn’t have with you!"

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