Chapter 26 - Olympics Part 2

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On August 10th, the big day is finally here. Tom is about to compete in the individual event. For the prelims, I don't have tickets, so I go to Hyde Park with Sam, Nikita and Sophie were a huge screen has been set up. It is so impressive to see how the public reacts and cheers on Tom, it gives me goosebumps. His dives are okay, nothing too great, just good enough to go through the semi final. His 5th dives scares the crap out of me. He completely misses his entry and lands on his back. It is considered a failed dives, obviously. Because of that dive if falls from 7th place to 16th. Finally, he finishes 15th. Watching those prelims don't really reassure me. I am so nervous for him. 

On the 11th, it's time for the finale. I haven't been sleeping well for days now. I have a lump in my throat because I'm really scared for Tom. He has so much pressure on himself and I know it. He waited for this days for his entire life. It's his biggest dream, it was his Dad's dream. I can't even imagine in what state of mind Tom is right now. But I try to remind me that Tom is one of the divers who handles best the pressure. He ends up 4th in the semi final. I'm just praying for him to get a medal, any color will do it as long as he steps on the podium. 

It's starts awfully horribly. He completely fails his 1st dive. We don't really understand what is going on, but as soon as he gets out of the pool we can see that he is angry and he makes signs to his coach Andy. Because of the flashes of cameras that are supposedly forbidden, he got distracted. He asks for a re-dive and it is already so much better. 

I can't stop calculating what scores he needs to receive from the judges in order to beat this or that diver. As soon as he lands on his head for his final dive, we know he has all his chances for a medal. He finally smile and seems so relieved. Finally OUR Tom is back. Tom with the most gorgeous smile and so full of life. He goes sit with the Team and waits for the last divers to finish their list and takes a few glimpse at the bleachers to look at us. Whatever happens, now we know he'll be on the podium! And then we understand that he got bronze! The entire Team GB as well as the coaches throw Tom into the water and jump in with him. On our end, we are all in tears, we can't believe it!

During the ceremony, we can see how proud Tom is. He jumps for joy on the podium. Then he walks to us, throws his flowers to his Mum and asks me to come closer. I open my arms to him to kiss him, but instead, he pulls me over the guardrail in order for me to be at the same level than him. He kisses me then hugs me so tight and finally, touches my baby bump. The spectators are applauding and aweing but we don't care, we don't find it embarrassing. He has to join the other 2 divers to pose for the photographs, but now, I am stuck on poolside! I don't know how to go back into to bleachers, there is no way I'll be able to climb that guardrail! Tom sees the distress on my face and leads me by the hand down the steps. He brings me to the area reserved to the divers and shows me the way to go back up in the bleachers. Before leaving me, he kisses me a last time, then he has to run back to the poolside for the journalists. 

Tom is really busy, he has journalists following him around, asking questions, taking pictures of him, he has to pass a few drug tests,... We can't see him until late at night. We have been waiting for him for hours in the family lounge. But he finally gets there and we all get into a massive bundle as Tom calls it. He was weeping with joy, he is overexcited and he is full of energy. He can't stop saying that he feels like he hasn't seen me for weeks. We didn't see each other much lately, but it was mainly because every time we were together; he had his mind elsewhere. He makes me sit in his laps and forbids me to leave him... but I'm not going to complain!

He managed to make me enter the Olympic Village. I am not allowed in there, but he borrowed a girl's accreditation from the Team GB. It was risky but we were willing to take the risk. We were not too sure if the security people didn't realize we were lying or if they just didn't care to let me in!

We go directly to Tom's and Chris' bedroom. 

"Guess who I brought with me?" Tom asks coming into the room

"Who?" Asks Chris

"Vaaalll!" Tom screams, pulling me by the hand

"Yeahhh! How did you pass the guards?"

"It wasn’t easy, but we did it!"

"Are you sleeping over?"

"Yes she is" Tom says

"Of course I am! I don’t want to spend one minute away from my amazing man, my Olympic medalist!"

"Promise me not to do anything tonight! I’m just in the bed next to you ok?" Chris says a little anxious

"Who do you think we are Chris?" I ask, even if it was just my decision, I would have decided otherwise

"That would be way too weird, and anyway, I’m way too exhausted to do anything tonight!" Says Tom

We spent a few minutes laughing and enjoying our night before Tom crashes in his bed. The following day, Tom has to wake up early to meet the press again and on the evening, it's the closing ceremony. 

After that, we decide to stay 10 more days in a London hotel. It is easier for Tom who is invited to so many tv shows and interviews. We are finally just the 2 of us and it feels so nice because Tom is so much more relax now. After months of pressure, he finally feels free and he can stop thinking 24/7 about the Games and trainings. 

Tom also decides to get a tattoo to remember those Olympics along with Sarah and Chris. I am really not fond of this idea but it was his decision. When I saw the result, I thought that it was a little too big for my taste, but at least, it was on his inner arm, so not too visible. 

 Then, at the end of the month, we head to Spain with Debbie, Will, Ben, uncles, aunties and cousins. We rent a big house with many bedrooms, a huge backyard and a pool. Tom is really tired with the Olympics so we mostly stay home when the family decide to go visit the country. We spend most of our time relaxing, playing in the pool,... For once, we didn't have any plans, we had nothing  we had to do, nowhere we had to go, we just had to enjoy our lives... and it was absolutely forbidden to talk about training or diving!

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