Chapter twenty - I'm dying to tell him!

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One hour after that phone call, the gang showed up at home (Tom, Tonia, Jack, Chris, and Sarah). I tried to enjoyed the night, but I wasn't feeling too good. I really was feeling tired and the nausea had kicked in since this morning. I had only thing in mind, I wanted all of them to leave and be alone with Tom to be able to finally tell him the news that I was dying to share for 3 days now. 

We were all around the table, but I couldn't really eat anything. We usually hear about morning sickness... yeah right "Morning", my ass, I had them the entire day! 

"Val, aren't you hungry? come on, it's fajitas' night!" Tom tells me

"No, I had a snack too late I guess; I really can't finish my plate. Yes... feel free" I tell him seeing his eyes staring at my food!

For the entire night, I kept on going back and forth to the bathroom upstairs. Nobody really seemed to notice my absences. But after a while, Chris seems to see that I'm not on top form. he pulls me towards me and makes me sit on his laps. "Are you okay, Lil-V?" he whispered in my ear. I nodded, but I was sure he could see something was going on with the look he gave me. For a boy, Chris was surprisingly pretty intuitive. I took a peek at Tom; he was having a great night and didn't seem to wonder much about me. He asked a few times what was going on, but he knew I was tired and maybe he guessed that I was pissed that he invited the team without much notice. Then I had to leave in a hurry, I practically jumped off Chris' laps and rushed out of the kitchen, then ran towards the bathroom upstairs. 

When I started to feel beter, I when to Tom's bedroom, and layed on the bed. I heard a small knock on the door. I turned around and saw Chris standing in the door frame.

"Can I come in?" He asks

"Sure, come sit here" I say, scooting over

"You don't have to tell me what's going on if you don't cant to, but just don't pretend there isn't something. I know you too much" he says


He hugged me and I laid my head on his torso. We cuddle for a few minutes without saying a word. Chris didn't wanted to push me, he just wanted to make sure that if I felt ready to talk to him, he was there for me. So after a few minutes, I simply said:

"I'm pregnant"

"No you're not! No way!" He says looking at me with huge eyes

"I'm telling you I am!"

"Are you really?"

"Yes, but I haven't told Tom yet, so please, don't say a word"

"My Lil-V and Tom are having a baby? How crazy is that? I'm so happy for you guys!" and he hugs me even tighter.


"There you are! We were looking for you guys" Says Tom coming into his bedroom. I was lying on the bed, my head resting on Chris' chest, completely asleep. "Oh, sorry babe, were you asleep already?" 

"Yes I was"

"I'm gonna get going" says Chris. "I'll get everybody to leave. Have a great night." He kisses me on the top of my head, stood up, and started to walk toward the door, then turned around, looked at me and mouthed "I love you" before winking at me. 

"Love you too, Chris. Say bye to the others for me please" I ask him.

"See you soon, Chris" Says Tom. "And let me know if you decide to call that Laura back, ok, mate?"

"Ahah, sure, I'll tell you" he says before leaving and closing the door behind him.

"Don't say anything, just come lay down with me for a while" I told Tom

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