Chapter eigtheen - Premonitory dream?

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We are now in April. One morning, we are waking up on Sunday and we all plan to do absolutely nothing of our day, just relax and have fun with the family.

"Good morning kids" Says Debbie coming into the kitchen. "Everybody is awake but Tom?"

"Yes he is awake, but he is in a "Mr Moody" phase again this morning, I just can't get him to get up" I say

"Oouh, can I go to his room to try to make him get up?" Asks Ben

"Yes you can, but watch out because I'm sure he won't like your way of making him get up. Because knowing you, it probably won't be the softest way!" I say

"And go ask him what he wants for breakfast." Debbie tells Ben before seeing him leaving the kitchen and running up the stairs. "At least, there's one of us who is already wild awake. And what about you, Willzy, did you sleep well?" Debbie asks


"UUuuhhh, I'm gonna kill you!" Tom says walking in the kitchen with Ben

"There's our Mr Grumpy!" I say

"No, not Mr Grumpy, Mr Just Woken Up, you know that!"

"Ooh, Tommy Boy, you poor baby!" He comes to me and kisses me to say good morning before sitting down next to me. 

"So, what do you all want for breakfast?" Asks Debbie

"I'd like French toast" says Will

"Go for french toasts then, is that ok for everyone?"


And Will started to explain why he didn't really sleep too well that night: "And so I realized I was at school wearing nothing but pink underwear, and like if it wasn't enough, my teacher was Professor Snape from Harry Potter!"

"Gosh that was the weardest dream" says Debbie while all of us were laughing. "What about you Tom, do you remember your dream?"

"I do actually. I dreamed I had a baby girl, or I mean WE had a baby girl" He says looking at me. That was so weird because it was one of those dreams that feel so real, you know what I mean? You wake up and it takes you a while to really understand you were just dreaming and that nothing really happened. She was the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. He name was Chloe, even if, strangely, Val didn't agree with that name. I was carrying her everywhere, so Mum, you were telling me "My granddaughter is not a purse or a fashion accessory, so stop showing her off and dragging her everywhere you go" He says in a good impersonation of Debbie


"That is so cute, Lou" I tell him

"I know right?! You should have seen her!"

"But slow down sweetie, I know that having a baby can sound crazy at first, but do not rush into things like that. We're already had this talk and you know how I feel about that. you've only been dating for what now? 10 months?" Debbie asks

"We know. We're not planning of having a baby, Mum! Seriously, how crazy do you think we are. It was just a dream!" Tom reassures her

"Yeah, yeah, but I also know you've been talking about babies and all that"

"But not for right now, so chill out Mum!" Tom says

But 2 weeks after, I call Clara:


"Clara, it's Val"

"How are you darling?" 

"I'm fine, but I have something to tell you..."

"Ok, I'm listening"

"There are some chances that, maybe, with a slight possibility, I could be pregnant..." I tell her in a weird way

"Huh? What does that even mean? How come a slight possibility? Possibility like you are a few days late, or there was a problem with your contraceptive?" She asks a little confused

"It's just a feeling I'm having"

"Do not worry to quickly. Are you any late?"

"No, but there are some weird signs. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining everything, but I don't think it's normal"

"What kind of signs?"

"I'm always exhausted"

"That's not really new" She says and I had to admit she was right.

"No, but now it's worst. And my boobs hurt"

"Hang on, I'll go check the symptoms on the Internet. So, fatigue: check, sore breasts: check, then what about nausea?" Clara asks

"No nausea"

"Do you always have to go pee?"


"Are you more hungry than usual?"

"You know that I'm always hungry!"

"Hypersensitivity? Irritability?"

"Hum, yes, maybe a little bit more irritable towards Tom"

"Well, sweetie, the best thing would be to buy a pregnancy test"

"I'll go get one and then, can I call you back? I can't do that by myself"

"Of course. I'll be on skype, that'll be easier"

"Hey" I say calling Clara on Skype

"Did you find one?"

"Yes I did"

"Hand on before taking the test. What is your feeling towards that situation? I know you've always wanted to get pregnant and that having children is your biggest dream, but you don't seem happier than that"

"It's just that I don't know how I feel about all that, to be honest. It's true that it's my biggest dream, but it also scares me. And it's always something that I knew was going to happen eventually, but not really this soon"

"And what about Tom?"

"That's the thing..."

"What? Doesn't he want children?"

"Yes, he does. We've talk about it already. He has told me that he wanted to start a family with me and everything"

"So, what's the problem?"

"He is always saying things like 'I want to be the father of your children and bla bla bla, BUT we'll talk about that after the Olympic Games. Right now it's too soon, we've been dating for less than a year, so maybe in a few years' things like that. Right now, he really is focusing on his career and on the Games. He trains like crazy, he thinks about diving day and night, he lives for his sport you know?"

"Yeah... but even if it's not the right timing, at least he wants children someday"

"Yes. Ok, I'll go pee on that thingy and I'll be back"


"Ok, I'm back. I've already forgotten what I was supposed to see. Oh yeah, so a "+" and I'm pregnant. Talk to me about something to keep my mind off of that stick because it is already driving me crazy!"

We talked about random stuff, like about our friends back in Dublin, her boyfriend Leigh and how she intented to blackmail him until he snaps and finally agrees to warch a stupid rom-com she wanted to watch for ages now... anything to keep me from staring at the pregnancy test.

"Ok, tell me it's been 3 minutes yet" I ask Clara

"Yes. Take a look at it"

"Oh...!" I say staring at the plastic stick 

"What? Tell me, tell me!" Clara yells

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